All Nominees

Barry Hassett

Military: Army veteran

My father is a retired Army vet who is disabled. He lives on social security month to month barely making ends meet. Medication alone uses a huge portion of his income. My parents are in desperate need of a new vehicle and unable to afford one. This would be an absolute blessing for them. My father served in the Army for many years until he was forced to retire so to copd and being unable to breathe. He’s an amazing grandfather and always has his grandchildren. Having a safe vehicle for them as well would be amazing. Thank you for your consideration.

kassandra klein

Military: Marines

Kassandra is a very giving person, on top of raising 2 children she works on the weekends as a care giver to an elderly couple, and just got a second job working at a local chocolate company, all while beijing the primary care giver of 2 children, taking them to school and picking them up everyday, feeding and bathing them, and driving them to sports and after school activities. The children are getting bigger ( 5 and 4, almost 6 and 5 now), and she needs a larger vechile but she just paid her car off within the last 2 years and doesn’t want to start a new car note.

Timothy Barrett

First Responder: Firefighter

Tim is one the most hard working and dedicated firemen I have worked with and he his also very humble. He is an amazing dad to his two kids who both play numerous sports, which Tim is always at every event, game, practice..etc. He currently drives a very old car and I feel he deserves an upgrade because of all the things he does for his kids.

Janelle Dzina

First Responder: US Probation Officer (20+ years in law enforcement)

My wife has over 20 years in with the federal government as law enforcement. She's turning 50 years old this year, works full time at US Probation (includes federal searches, home visits, court appearances, etc...) and teaches 2-3 times a week at Catalyst fitness in a kick-boxing class. She's fearless, beautiful, a caring mother of our 3 children and a rock-star of a human being! The photo I chose from my Facebook is of her with our youngest son.

Seth Shepard

Military: Marine Corps

Seth and his wife Audra, are the proud parents of 4 beautiful girls all under the age of 13. In addition, they foster 2 girls who are under the age of 4, plus they periodically take on additional fosters (as the time of this submission, they have 2 young boys). Taking so many children to and from school, appointments and sports/activities can be a challenge and having reliable transportation is essential for them. Seth served in the Marine Corps for over 5 year, including multiple deployments overseas. He works hard locally as a warehouse manager and I honestly cannot think of anyone who deserves a new vehicle more than this vet who gives so much.

Michael Sisti

Military: PJ - Airforce Special Forces

Mike is one of the greatest men I have the privilege of calling a friend. His service record is legendary as a pioneering member of one of the least recorded special forces units Mike served from Vietnam to the Gulf war, participating in many popular recorded rescue operations as a member of the Airforce Special Warefare. Their motto of Anything Anytime Anywhere is evident in the kind of friend Mike is. Mike is actively involved in helping both his community and fellow veterans understand the extent of the benefits entitled to them for their service. I can think of no one more deserving of this award.

Mike Sisti

Military: Air Force PJ (Para Rescue)

Vietnam Vet. Risked his life to save many others. Mike is one of the most inspirational and trustworthy individuals I have ever met in my entire life. Stand up guy, continues to serve his country in retirement with volunteer work, and devotion to his community. Literally the type of man that would take the shirt off his back for the welfare of others, even if it’s 20 below zero.

Mike Sisti

Military: Air force

Mike is a class A guy...he is ALWAYS willing to help family and friends in any capacity...he has a huge heart, loves people, especially his family, and would give his right arm to do anything for the people he loves.

Joshua Graham

Military: Marine

Josh has the heart of gold and I’m proud to call him my best friend. He’s seen many tours and served multiple places. He’s give the shirt off his back for someone in need. Examples : * Helped me through a dark period in my life. Through my mental illness and accident. There every step I could confide in him for three years . * He helps any vet whether he knows them or not through his face book. Even if it’s $50 to get someone gas. *There when you need any tool or a helping hand not only to me but every neighbor surrounding us and the biggest. Josh is a sports crazed fan, we root hometown together. Josh actually won Josh Allen’s truck last year and he declined the truck to help better his family financially who is newly married and two children. He took the smaller amount and after taxes, he was not left with much. he did accept a poster also. The point is,he’s the most selfless, caring person, who made physical and emotional sacrifices to better our home, our land, and our freedom

Christopher Lopardi

First Responder: Newton Abbott Fire Department

Not only is he a first responder he recently retired as an Airman after 22 years of service. He has been through deployments to the loss of his 7 year old son and still preserviers!

patrick dolch

Military: army and air force

they need a new car and they worked very hard in the army and air force

Michael Kozlowski

Military: Artillary

I feel as though he should be nominated because he’s given so much of his life both military and as a first responder. He has given back to the community and families in need. I think he deserves a reliable and dependable car to drive in to continue his work/giving back

Zachary Fox

First Responder: Firefighter EMT

Zachary displays dedication and determination to respond and help citizens in his community no matter what time of the early morning hours or by overcoming weather conditions Zachary always responds to an emergency call. Zachary has been without a car for over a year being forced to drive his mother’s car after his car had a break down and was not drivable.

Stephen Fitzpatrick

Military: Army

Mr. Fitzpatrick is one of the nicest men I know. He’s currently driving around a vehicle with 200,000 miles on it and it’s leaking transmission fluid all over his garage. He drives the Amish around It helps them anyway he can . He'd give the shirt off his back to anyone who needed it. He and his wife have lived in Angola and used to own bison. He’s retired from The Ford stamping plant in Buffalo and is a loyal Ford customer. He deserves this vehicle more than any person I know.

Wendy Coyde

Military: US Air Force

Wendy Coyde is a 20 year Veteran of the US Air Force , she was a survivor of her time spent in Desert Storm where she contracted a Lung Disease called Idiopathic Pulminary Fibrosis. Which is Terminal. She did receive a Double Lung Transplant in November of 2000 (the start of the Covid Pandemic ). Since then ( due to her immunosuppressant drugs ) she has had Covid twice and 6 Covid resistant shots. She was also a Teacher at South Park High school for 22 years when she retired when her Lung Disease took away her ability to function. It has been almost 4 years since she received her transplant but that has not stopped Wendy from helping the Community. She has become the Leader of the Tonawanda Homeless Task Force (where she has helped 22 Veterans and Homeless people Find homes and get off the streets. She is on call 24 hrs. a day helping the homeless in times of trouble and distress. She is also an animal lover and will do anything for a wounded animal or wounded Bird she sees.

Joshua Howerton

Military: 100% permanent and total disabled veteran

Saw an Instagram post about a car winning and wondered if there was something more specific to disabled vets only. Brought me here and I’m hoping to win because I’d love a vehicle just for traveling with my dogs and seeing the country I fought for.

Alexus Rehounek

Military: Army National Guard

Alexus has been an inspiration to me. She has faced a lot of adversity in her life and still strives to do her best each and every day. Her dedication is unwavering. She is one of the strongest people I know. Alexus has had nothing handed to her in life. She has had to climb and crawl her way through life, but never gives up. If she could be rewarded for her effort, she would make the most of it and wouldn't ever take it for granted. She is more than deserving. She does it all with a smile on her face. She's fair and honest and one of the best people I know.

Alexus Rehounek

Military: US Army National Guard

I am nominating Alexus Rehounek. She is a single mother of 2. She was recently in a car accident. As a result her car was totalled. Alex has to drive to and from PA each month for her drill duties. She is also in the medical field. I new vehicle would be helpful to her with her girls as well as getting her to and from her work and drill duties. Thank you.

Alexus Rehounek

Military: Army National Guard

Alexus is a kind hearted, humble, hard working young mom and soldier who is without a car due to a recent accident. She is in dire need of a reliable vehicle, not only for day to day things, but she also has to travel from Buffalo to PA at least monthly in order to fulfill her Army National Guard meetings.

David Savko

Military: Army

David served in the Vietnam war but stationed in Korea. He was proud to serve his country. David is a very kind and generous man. If someone needs help, he is there. He is a fly fisherman and would volunteer his time if someone wanted to learn. I nominate him, he is the best husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. Also a great friend to many.

Patrick Devine

Military: Marine Corps

Hardworking and caring person who puts his family first.

Alexus Rehounek


Alexus is such a bright hard working young woman she is not only dedicated to being a champion of her own life but a champion mother to her beautiful daughters she currently has no vehicle or means of transportation due to an accident. Alexus is so committed to serving our country she has to travel from Buffalo to PA routinely to fulfill her duties. And despite all her odds you can always count on her to have a smile on her face and fight through any adversary! I don’t know anyone more deserving!

Josh Szukala

First Responder: EMT

Josh is a great guy! Him and his wife just had a baby. Times are tough and they struggle to make ends meet. This doesn’t stop him and his wife from giving back to their community. They run the 4 H chapter for their county and volunteer their time and horses to keep kids interested, educated and out of trouble. A reliable vehicle would mean the world to him and his wife. They live in the country that is not well-plowed in the winter. Josh, as a first responder, has to go to work even in the worst of conditions. They also need a vehicle to get their newborn son to doctors appointments which is quite some distance from their farm. They have many animals to care for and tend to so their resources prioritize their farm. Their current vehicle breaks down on the regular and is an unreliable source of transportation. This makes him the perfect candidate to be awarded a vehicle.

Alexandra Lindstrom

First Responder: Dispatcher for Lancaster PD

My wife is a generous and wonderful woman who not only supports our family as a Dispatcher for the Town of Lancaster but has also supported me as a disabled veteran. I can think of no other person who deserves this more.

Casey Kubala

First Responder: Line Officer

I am very proud of my daughter Casey , she has been a volunteer responder for nine years. She is the 1st female line officer at the Barker Fire Department. She has to many calls and helped so many people in need. She works at Roswell Hospital as a CLT. Being a 1st responder has given her the opportunity to help people in her community.

Michelle MacLeod

First Responder: Sheriff Deputy

Because she my mom and I love her a lot her car also just broke it won’t turn off it can drive without the keys in and they don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix it

Mike Serach

Military: US Air Force

I was an enlisted active duty airmen for 20 years; retired as an E7 (Master Sergeant) in 1998. I continued my career after retirement serving first as a contractor supporting the Air Force Emergency Management career field for 5 years. In 2017, I went to work for USDA as an emergency responder with ESF#11, providing direct support at the FEMA National Response Coordination Center for several national-level disasters - included several hurricanes and the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020 I transferred back to the Air Force as a civil servant. I am currently the Installation Emergency Manager at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station.

Caleb Spark

First Responder: City of Lockport Fire Department

My son Caleb has been a firefighter for 18 months. Before that he was a volunteer firefighter and EMT. He is selfless! He has worked his full time job, going full time to paramedic school, doing his clinical time all while also helping put his wife through nursing school as she also works at the VA hospital. He never does for himself, he is always giving to his family, friends and community. He has not upgraded his vehicle in years. As you can imagine, a reliable vehicle is very important in his line of work to be able to respond to an emergency.

Cory Eberiwine

Military: Army

Cory is a wonderful person. He was a medic in the army, so I’m sure he has seen many horrific things and tried to save lives. He suffers with PTSD he has been a father to my great niece and great nephew, my niece lost her husband. He was in the army. He was killed in Afghanistan. Cory met her and they’ve been together ever since raising the two children who are now older and one is special-needs and he’s always been loving and patient with them even when he suffers from his own PTSD I think this will be a wonderful blessing to him because he has been a blessing to my family .

Alexus Rehounek

Military: Army Reserve

Alexus lost her car after an accident. She struggled skimped and saved for this car to improve her life. She has worked extremely hard to make a go of her life and has achieved almost everything she has worked for. A new job, a new apartment and the car she lost. She needs a way to get to and from work. She has two young daughters who she is trying to regain custody of and now without a car this makes it very difficult. She is in the Army Reserve and also needs transportation to and from drill which is in a neighboring state from where she just moved.

Chase Harmon

Military: Marines Sgt

8 year vet starting civilian life for his Wife and 2 sons. Found a job, but needs a vehicle to get there and safely travel with his family.

Corey Smith

First Responder: Paramedic, EMT, Firefighter, rescue squad

Corey has been a volunteer firefighter and worked in the Ambulance and rescue squad since he was 14. He started off as a junior firefighter and work with people in the rescue squad and Ambulance core until he was old enough to join. He works for MTS as an EMT and has recently gone to school to becoming a paramedic. He just passed yesterday and is now a paramedic. He’s been an ambulance chief and has been involved with the Ambulance and rescue squad for almost 20 years.

Nathan Morabito

First Responder: EMT/ parametric and great human being !

My son has made raising him such a joy, he has always been respectful responsible and loving. He started out as a volunteer fireman at 15 years old and became an EMT in high school and then continued on to get his paramedics degree his dream is to work on Mercy flight. He is currently working for mercy ambulance. When he is not working he is on the fire hall donating his time and going on EMT calls on fire rescue . He has always been a great community member. All of his free time is donated to his fire company. He might not be the biggest hero but he is my biggest hero and he could really benefit from a new vehicle he is currently driving a 1985 Toyota Celica, and he loves his Toyota but I would love to see him in a very safe car. Nate in is the middle of this picture along with part of his Hamburg fireman family.

Corey Smith

First Responder: Paramedic

I am nominating Corey because he is a very dedicated member of our local community. He just recently got his paramedic certification in New York State. He is also in the local fire department and volunteers many many hours to our community.

Thomas Berger

Military: Army

I’m nominating him for his dedication and commitment to serving his country. Thomas spent a number of years serving in the military police both stateside and abroad, he also served his state as a correctional officer for many years. Thomas gives his all in everything he does from caring for his family, to his job.

Timothy Egnaczyk

Military: Army

Oh man, my father.... I honestly don't know where to begin. From amazing work ethic, prioritizing events, prioritizing his kids, to important life lessons, to wanting the absolute best for his loved ones. Boy did I luck out. He has taught me the most important things in life. Taught me respect for everyone, not just elders or people of authority, but everyone regardless of background. Family and country first. Taught me to make sure your loved ones know that you love them. Taught me to be proud of the land we walk on, and to respect and honor the ones who signed that blank check and gave both some and all to this land. He taught me to be proud. Proud of who I am, the lessons I continue to learn, and he doesn't know that what I'm most proud of, is to be lucky enough to be called his daughter. I aspire to be half the person he is.

Christopher Wojcik

Military: Army

Christopher is an upstanding member of the community and is a native to the Buffalo area. He has worked so hard to provide for his family, even when he has to be away from them for a long time. He recently had a baby that had some medical complications and his wife and him need another car so that his wife can get to and from work so neither of them are super late or super early and waiting in the cold.

Sabrina Herbert

First Responder: Registered Nurse

Sabrina is a hard working wife & mother of 4. The fact that Sabrina was born with cerebral palsy has never slowed her down. Growing up she was told how CP would slow her down for this or that. She always would show those who said she "cant", that they are wrong. Recently Sabrina finished school with her RN, all while working part time and being a mother of 4 younger children. Always putting her a smile on for everyone to see, I am very proud to call her my daughter in law! As of today, vehicle she currently has, had been in and out of the shop with issue after issue. Not to sure how much longer it will go. Seeing Sabrina have a reliable vehicle for her journey of being an RN would definitely be a highlight in her family's eyes.

James Hilchey

Military: Navy Seal

Jim has been an all around great person in our family. He always takes the time to see how everyone is doing and never misses a chance to catch up. He is always the first to lend a hand and always makes you feel welcome, no matter what. He has regularly kept up with his friends who served and has spoken highly of all of them. I just think he is a great man and deserves to be recognized for all he's been through in the military and life. Best of Luck to him!! ~Lucas Stahl

Charlie Fergusen

Military: Navy and Marine special ops medical

Charlie is a combat veteran who I can't say enough positive things about. This guy would do anything for anyone. He is a father of 4 who works his butt off to provide for his family. Being the sole provider for his family there is no one more deserving than Charlie. He never hesitates to be there for anyone in need. Has helped me in life more times than i can count. He was injured while serving in the military and is still a volunteer fireman for the town of Clarence who responds to any call he can. He has a huge heart for anyone as he served his country but still is always ready to jump into action. He is an incredible friend and an even better father and husband.

Anthony Muraco

Military: Former 101st Airborne Division Army and current Firefighter

I feel Anthony should be nominated to win a car because of his outstanding dedication and service to our nation and community. As a former member of the 101st Airborne Division of the Army, Anthony displayed exceptional bravery, resilience, and commitment. His military service is marked by the highest standards of courage and duty. Now, as a firefighter, Anthony continues to risk his life daily to protect and serve others. His transition from a distinguished military career to a critical role in public safety showcases his unwavering commitment to helping those in need. Winning this car would honor Anthony's sacrifices and support his continued efforts to make a positive impact on our community.

Donald Waddell

Military: Army

I am nominating Donald waddell. He served in the army for almost 10 years between active and reserves. He is disabled due to his serves. He is unable to work because it. So he use his time to help other veterans when he can. He is a father of four kids and my wonderful husband. He lives on a fixed income and if he could free up some income with receiving one of these cars he would help out other veterans that need help. The car payment is so so high he have so this would really need this. He always loves helping other veterans with the American Legion, WNy Heroes and Veteran One stop center. This would take a huge weight off his shoulders if you would pick him. Thank you sir or madam that this concerns

Jennifer Piske

First Responder: Firefighter

I am nominating my fantastic wife. She has been a firefighter at U-Crest for over two years, Substitute teaches grades prek-12 in the Maryvale school district and had spent nearly a decade as a volunteer cheer coach for rec league cheerleaders. She's the chairwoman of U-Crest's Fire Prevention committee and was elected this year to be the recording secretary. She regularly schedules her job around or takes off work to run events to educate our community. All this on top of being the most loving and attentive mother to our two children.

Ray Mercado

Military: Army

Ray and I were going together in the summer of 1967. It was during the Vietnam war and the draft was on. He knew he would get drafted and so he volunteered for the army so we could make plans for our future together. He has never talked much about his time in Vietnam and when he returned he hitched hiked back to Olean. Times were different back then. No welcome signs. Most people didn’t even know he was gone. We’ve been married 53 years and the only time I saw my husband cry was when we went to see the Vietnam wall that came to Olean.

Mike Holbrook

Military: Air Force

He has been someone I've always looked up to. He has done a few tours and spent a lot of time in the Air Force as a field tech for the war planes. He's a loving devoted Christian father of 5 children who could use all the help they can get. His wife recently had to start working part time to help with finances even with his military benefits. He was always the sole provider for his wife and family of 5 with his military pension. He's also recently lost his mother which has taken a huge mental toll on him and his kids. His father is also deceased from cancer who was also a military vet.

Anthony Muraco

Military: Army

My brother Anthony joined the army right out of high school. He was very dedicated until his unfortunate accident that didn’t allow him to further his career in the military. But since coming home he’s also been a volunteer firefighter for Kenmore and is now a volunteer with ellwood fire dept.

Vaughn Collingridge

First Responder: Wyoming county deputy sheriff

Vaughn is truly a blessing to our community and the most deserving human. Vaughn is always looking to better himself not only for himself but also for his community. He has taken on extra training to become a crash recognition expert and drug recognition expert. He is constantly working longer hours and taking calls in the middle of the night to insure the streets are safe for our families. He recently received an award from MADD ( mothers against drunk driving) for being one of the top DRE enforcers in the area. He is someone who truly cares about bettering our community and that is why I believe he is a perfect nominee.

Mike Karnyski

Military: Army

My dad is a Army Viet Nam veteran! Endured a life changing working injury over 25 years ago, developed RSD from injury several surgeries,partial amputation. He was a volunteer fireman,avid blowler,fishing softball all taken from him. He's the most selfless man who still puts everyone else first. He deserves a new vehicle not having to worry about repairs and is reliable!!

Chris Coleman

Military: Army

I am nominating Chris because he is not only a veteran, but will drop everything that he's doing to help you. He puts himself last, and everyone first. He raised 3 great kids, is currently in his 18th year with his employer, has a meticulous garden, loves his family and girlfriend and is just an all around class act.

Shaun Minich

First Responder: Paramedic/Fire Chief/Police Officer

I am nominating Shaun for this because he puts everyone and the community before himself. He’s been a volunteer firefighter for 11 years, making rank of Chief. He’s been an EMT just along. During COVID he went through paramedic school to advance his skills in helping the sick and injured. In 2022 he was accepted into the Police Academy and is now serving the Town Of Hamburg as a Police Officer. Shaun is a remarkable human being who goes above and beyond daily to serve and protect his community. This is his passion, this is his joy.

Timothy and Clayton (father and son) Pike

First Responder: Father-Lt. and son-fightfighter

Let me explain how and why this father and son first responders need a vehicle. Lt. Timothy Pike has 30+ years in the LakeView VFD. His son Clayton was recently awarded First Responder of the Year. But both suffered dual catastrophes. Clay broke his neck and battled through years of rehabilitation. Timothy suffered a genetic blood disease which became chronic, requiring a kidney transplant. Both father and son faced life/death situations. Tim couldn’t work so the paychecks stopped. Clay needed rehab in Pittsburgh and Atlanta. Mom’s job was keeping both alive in the ICU. Tim had a successful kidney transplant and eventually returned to light duty at the fire station. Clayton fought through years of rehab to regain nearly 100% of his functions. One of the family vehicles got too rusty to pass inspection. Tim must travel to Buffalo for regular hospital check-ups and Clayton needs a vehicle to commute to college, work and emergency calls. This family needs a vehicle.

Benjamin Hawkins

Military: Air Firce

Ben is a great guy who puts his family and community first. He is forever helping with the concession stands at his kids school, helping at his church and with a rescue as needed. He is currently driving an Aveo that is very old, and currently is sitting at the shop to get fixed. He is always driving around to help others fix things, deliver items for his wife and transporting his kids to events, friends and to the fire station as needed.

Elijah Hawkins

First Responder: Volunteer Fire Fighter

Elijah is a young man who has struggled with who he is. Then one day at work their was a serious accident. Elijah was able to jump in and help.due to previous training he had in school. This was his change day. He went and applied to be home a volunteer fire fighter for the Seneca Nation. He is currently driving over 40 miles two to three times a week for trainings.he has taken his civil service exam for Cattarsaugus County and is ranked he waits for a possible full time position he is continuing to work on making himself better with taking classes. Hopefully in the fall he will begin EMT training. His car even though pretty new to him, needs to be replaced. He has been told that the case holding his transmissions is almost rusted out. He works part time so he can run and answer calls for the fire department and continue taking classes.

Jason Rosales

Military: USMC

My husband, a dedicated and now retired veteran of 21 years with the Marine Corps, exemplifies bravery, sacrifice, and selflessness. He has served our country with honor and distinction, putting his life on the line to protect our freedoms in both OIF and OEF. Despite the challenges he has faced, he continues to demonstrate resilience and courage every day. Having been so selfless in his commitment to his country and to his family he is truly deserving of this nomination.

Brent Philipps

Military: Navy

Brent has served for 19 years in the Navy on active duty. He spent 13 years serving on Submarines, spending countless hours away from his wife and 4 children. In addition to serving, he has been an active volunteer in his community in California, Connecticut and New York, coaching Little League teams and Youth Soccer teams for over 10 years. A special individual like him deserves a new vehicle to transport all that sports equipment and would be a fitting tribute for him nearing his retirement from the Military.Thank you for your consideration.

Bradley Hert

Military: Navy

Brad has been in the navy for over 8 years and is a very selfless individual. Currently he is working in one of the nation's most critical and stressful positions in the US miltary. He is a recruiter. He is at the tip of the spear in ensuring this nation stays protected by trying to find the next generation of military applicants. It would be awesome to surprise him with this.

Christine Bangel

Military: USMC

Christine is my sister and deserves something decent in her life. She was an active USMC for six years and inactive for two years. She loved her job and serving her country until she was injured. Although she is in alot of pain herself, she is always there helping someone else when she can. To mention just a few, Christine helps my mother, my daughter and myself with taking us to our appointments, to the stores or doing anything that we need help with. She currently drives a vehicle that is over 20 years old that is falling apart. The door has to be lifted to close and with the pain she is in, it just adds to it. Please consider my sister Christine for a vehicle so she can continue to do what she loves and that is helping others.

Robert Fontaine

Military: Navy

Hello, I am nominating Robert Fontaine because he is one of the most unselfish people that I know. I am disabled and find it difficult to get to appointments and errands. But Bob has come to my “rescue” . For the past 7 years he takes his personal time to get me to appointments and errands and waits for me all the while. And he does this without asking for a dime. He does this for a few other people as well. He also takes care of his disabled sister in his home. I know that he is in desperate need of a new vehicle because he’s always telling me how much money he has to put into his present vehicle, and like most of us , he lives from paycheck to paycheck. Please consider my friend, Robert Fontaine, for a new vehicle. Thank you. Thomas Tarnowski

Christine Bangel

Military: USMC

I am nominating Christine because she is a disabled woman veteran who is in need of a vehicle, the vehicle she has now is a 2003 Ford explorer and is in need of many repairs at this time. I feel she deserves this vehicle because she has to go back and forth to her medical appointments at the VA medical center on Bailey Avenue in Buffalo, as they can be many at times and without a reliable vehicle sometimes she needs to rely on her family (which are only a few) or cancel important appointments that sometimes take up to 5-6 months to get these days. She also takes care of getting her mother/sister to her medical appointments , which is difficult with her current vehicle situation (drivers door does not open/close properly). With the cost of inflation it is utterly impossible to afford a replacement vehicle and the windshield wipers aren’t working either. It would be like a dream if she could feel like a normal person in society and not be embarrassed every time she drives it. Tysm


Military: Army

My dad has always been there for me.He is a real man and has taught me alot in life.I love him more than life.

Megan Diaz

First Responder: RN

I am nominating my girlfriend Megan for the first responder contest. She is currently a Registered Nurse at Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. As a RN, the sacrifices she makes are substantial. She works tirelessly - nights, weekends, holidays - ensuring patients always have someone dedicated to their care. Nursing is undeniably one of the most demanding professions, and Megan has been through it all, including being stuck at the hospital during inclement weather (the picture I'm submitting). No matter the challenges, Megan consistently returns to every shift and every patient with renewed commitment. Megan prioritizes others' needs above her own. Now, we have the opportunity to put her first, showing genuine appreciation for her invaluable contributions to her patients and our community. That's why I'm nominating Megan - she definitely deserves to win.

Megan Diaz

First Responder: Registered Nurse

I am writing to nominate my sister, Megan, for your "Vehicles for First Responders" contest. As her youngest sibling, I have closely observed her unwavering dedication to nursing and I firmly believe she exemplifies the spirit this award seeks to honor. Megan has been a RN for fourteen years, serving in high-stakes environments such as the ER, Covid units in NYC, and cardiac units. In these demanding settings, she routinely cares for critically ill patients whose conditions can change rapidly, requiring constant vigilance and quick interventions. What sets Megan apart is her role as a float nurse, a position demanding exceptional adaptability as she moves between multiple hospital units in a single shift to meet fluctuating staffing needs. I respectfully urge you to consider my sister for this life-changing prize. Her work ethic, expertise, and willingness to serve wherever needed make her a standout candidate. Thank you for your consideration, Rosie "Proud of My Big Sister" Avery

Colin Keenan

First Responder: Police

Colin works everyday to protect and serve the city community where he grew up.

Gil Ryerson

Military: Navy

As some one who has worked for him for almost 2 years, he is an amazing leader. Always taking care of me and encouraging me to grow as a Sailor. He is a true leader and not a boss. Demonstrating what right looks like even though it's not always the easy choice. Since working for him he has given me reason to continue to serve. I am thankful for that and for him. That is why I'd like to surprise him.

William Kelberer

Military: Veteran Marine and Volunteer First Responder

William is a 50 year old Veteran Marine and First Responder. (It's true...I've seen documents and photos) He's very modest and doesn't really like to talk about his time in service. He has recently sustained a knee injury that has affected his ability to work. During his recovery he has continued to drive two of his workmates to work every day and every day I wonder how I could help his situation. Hes been driving my car. Thats one car supporting four people. How great would it be for him to have his own transportation when he goes back to work. I don't know much about his time in the Marines, but I DO know that William is a hero. A hero to me and many who know him. Thank you for your consideration.

Mathew Bryant

Military: USAF

Chaplin Bryant is the current serving Chaplin at the 914h reserve station in Niagara Falls. On a daily basis he takes care of the bases spiritual, mental, and physical needs. Weather an Airman needs to talk to someone about suicidal thoughts or to book row his truck he covers it and everything in between. Chaplain Bryant has a wife and 4 kids. They currently have a mini band and a F150. He drives the F150 which is getting up there in years and recently has been having some issues. The Chaplin and his family are well deserving and in need. I think they would make a great selection for your giveaway.

Michele Gogolowski

First Responder: AEMT

Michele is a hard working and compassionate person. She uses her skills to help people and for very little pay. She works for a paid ambulance company full time, volunteers for a fire company and works a part time job 15 hours a week but still finds it difficult to make ends meet. She’s not happy with her vehicle and owes more than it’s valued at. She attempted to continue her nursing schooling that she started several years ago only to find herself further in debt. Unfortunately she got Covid midway through her schooling, it became overwhelming with her already hectic schedule and she was not able to catch up on her homework.

Darren Vanwhy

First Responder: Vice president Coudersport volunteer fire department.

Darren has been a volunteer fire fighter since 1988. He has held many offices throughout the years, including chief of Austin volunteer fire department. He has given numerous hours to maintaining the trucks, building trucks, training, teaching, work details, monthly checks on all equipment along with the paper work duties of being a vice president. His truck he has now is really showing its age and there is one thing a volunteer fire department needs is the crew getting to the station. We don’t have paid professionals we only have volunteers so it is very important to get the crew there. Thank you for Recognizing our first responders. For your information, the picture is of Darren and his granddaughter during one of the parades that he volunteers his time to clean and get the truck ready for and drive in.

Richard Busch

Military: Us Navy veteran

My husband is a Vietnam veteran from Navy ,he deserves to be nominated because he a great man and is always doing for everyone and gets nothing in return he is my hero.

Nicholas Lagowski

Military: Air Force, Air Force Reserve

I've known him for years!!!😊 Six years in the Air Force and currently in the reserves.. Great guy and patriot, will give you the shirt off his back. He was out of the Air Force for a few years and decided he missed it and joined the reserves at Niagara Falls Air Base.. While in the Air Force he did two tours in the Honor Guard which we are "so" proud of and when he came home for his grandfather's funeral, he wasn't pleased with the way the American flag was folded and asked his mother if she would mind if he did it properly. It is on display in our home! It can be hectic at times working a full time job as well as serving in the Reserves, but he manages it well! He was kind of lost before the military, but came out focused and with a purpose.. It would be nice to see him get some recognition for his dedication to his country and flag.

Scott Allison

Military: Marine - Veteran

I feel as if my dad has been nothing but honorable my entire life. He left the military to help his dying dad back in the 90’s but during his time he was in the marine core and ended up being a recruiter as well. My dad has never not been there for me or for anyone that ever needed his help. A stranger could knock on the door and he’d help him. He didn’t always have the means but he had the love to do it. He’s taught me a lot about who I want to be as a human being and what it means to have integrity. He deserves everything the world has to offer. He’s one of the kindest souls I know.

Michael Pontikos

Military: Army

100 percent disabled Vietnam veteran and served 32 yrs on the Buffalo Fire Department receiving metal Awards

Juan Flores

Military: Marine Corp

Juan is a Marine through and through! He served 13 years on active duty; he wanted to make a 20-year career out of it, but circumstances dictated otherwise. That hasn't stopped him from carrying the Marine Corp ethos into every aspect of his civilian life however. Always looking for a way to serve, he became a trusted leader in the world of private corrections. Despite his impairments during service, this man embodies integrity in all ways! Whether he’s helping a stranger load their car, talking a suicidal detainee off the ledge, or passing on carpentry skills to his son, Juan tries to utilize his knowledge and experience to always help everyone he comes across. Whether he’s serving his nation, his community, or his family – honor, courage, and commitment are values that permeate everything he does. The most modest man I’ve met, it would be wonderful to finally acknowledge his dedication to others. Semper Fi!

Anna Pol

First Responder: Neuro ICU nurse

After serving 8 years in the Army as a combat photographer, Anna settled in Buffalo with her husband and children and went to school to become a nurse. While in school, her car was damaged during an attempted robbery at her home. She needs reliable transportation to complete her mission as a nurse in ICU currently working the night shift. Anna’s very dedicated to her profession and her nursing career and could use a better vehicle to get to work safely.

miguel perez

Military: us air force

I am nominating my husband ,Miguel. Miguel has served for almost 20 years in the USA and abroad. He is not only a wonderful husband but also a military leader who shows character traits of integrity ,creativity ,empathy, and most of all dedication to the United States. Miguel also hosts troops in our home that are in need and we make food for them homemade as much as we can . We would be honored to obtain a new car.

Steven Obe

Military: Airforce

He lost his wife (my grandmother) two years ago and has not been the same since. He is Native American and was only just last year acknowledged for his service. He finally received his medals after 50 years. Being recognized is something that means so much to him. He has two children. Three grand children and two great grandchildren who his wife never got to meet.

Randy Davis

First Responder: Fire chief

I can remember from the day he could walk anytime he heard sirens he would come running. He used to wait by the TV to watch Emergency 911. He has volunteered at the Holley Fire Dept. since he was 14, became a jr firefighter, first responder to Kendall Chief. When available, he never misses a call, he even leaves family events to help others even holidays. He volunteers at other fire companies when needed. He never brags or asks for thanks. He even follows to hospitals and waits for outcomes. He is well known in the community. He has had to seek help because some calls break his heart but he keeps going to save lives and put out fires. I know he is my hero!

Christopher Lopardi

Military: Airforce

Chris has not only served our country as an Airman I believe MSgt, for 22 years before his retirement, he was also an assistant fire chief in the Airforce. He has had several deployments, TDY's and while doing all of this, he lost his 7 year old son to ADEM in may of 2020 while stationed in Idaho. Chris is an amazing father, husband, son, son in law, brother, brother in law and uncle. He has also lived by God, Country, Family! Now that he is retired, he is also a volunteer fireman for Abbott Newton Fire Department. He has had is present vehicle a Tundra for 17 (+/-) years. It has been from Texas, to NY, to Florida, to Alaska, to Florida, to Alaska, to Idaho, Delaware, and NY. I think he deserves a new vehicle.

Russell Maracle

Military: Marines Vietnam vet

This man is my brother he’s partially disabled. He’s a Vietnam vet. His vehicle is falling apart. He can’t afford a new one hoping you can help me him out

Michael Marinell

Military: US ARMY


Jim Carrig

Military: Army

Jim was at Ft Lewis where we serve at Ft Lewis we are both Vietnam era veterans. It was a lot different than compared to now. Jim served with Honor and always the Army way. Later he went to Germany till he ets with a Honorable discharge. Still today still serves with the Veterans groups in the Buffalo area. It is a honor for me to nominate Jim Carrig, I look forward to working with him as a American Legion and I am a Veterans of Foreign Wars. Roy Kunzi

Caitlin Vazquez

Military: Army

So this is my best friend she a veteran who suffer from serve ptsd and anxiety, she put everyone before herself even when she having an attack,one time we went to a concert together and she was having a panic attack and she left w the amr crew and refused to let me leave and she came to find me once she claim down, she is one of the most non selfish people I know she help her gramma all the time and her parent ,but besides that her bf was diagnosed with cancer and she takes him to his doctors appointment as well as help with with his 3 kids on top of her 2 kids of her own well in school to become an Emt, and working a part time job .she also voulenteer with 2 charity group in her free time The hope project of wny and Wny Heroes .and in all of that craziness she still fine time to quilt ,and bowl on a mom n me league with her son I hope she get pick because I know she be greatful and it will help her to contuine to help others

Barbra Mann

First Responder: Fire Chief

I would like to nominate Fire Chief Barbra Mann. She is the first Female Fire Chief in the Town of West Seneca. Chief Mann has been in the fire service for 36 years of service to the community. Respected by her community and family for the accomplishments. Chief Mann has held numerous offices in the department and a top responder for her tenure in the department. This fine leader motivates others and promotes volunteerism everyday. Volunteering and serving her community is in her DNA. Barbra is a third generation firefighter. Her grandfather served and her father was Fire Chief 60 years ago in the same department. Dedicating her life to assisting others has been seen throughout the county. Her outstanding service and dedication is unprecedented to the emergency services field. Based on this service I have personally experienced from Fire Chief Barbra Mann, I would not hesitate to recommend her for this prestigious award from Basil.

Alan Ortiz

First Responder: Police

Det. Alan Ortiz, a friend and a true hero, whose actions have always been an inspiration. Along with being a Buffalo Police Det. he is also a Master Diver on the Buffalo Police Underwater Recovery Unit (U.R.T.), a father of 4 and a devoted family man. He has always put the safety and needs of others 1st. His heroism, bravery and selflessness doesn’t just stop when he removes his badge. This was showcased during a particular event that happened last Summer. While on the way home from a family outing late in the evening, Det. Ortiz noticed the taillights of a car in what he knew was a pond. He approached the vehicle and found 3 older individuals trapped inside with water quickly filling the car. With all the right skills, training and equipment Det. Ortiz immediately went into rescue mode. He used straps to attach the sinking vehicle to his personal vehicle to stop the car from further submerging into the pond. He was then able to get everyone freed from the car and out safely

Michaell Rumschik

Military: Army

Our son Michael is an army chaplain. I don’t know if people realize all the sacrifices our service men/women make. Not only was he deployed to Afghanistan when his children were born, but has to leave them behind every time he is moved to a new unit. When they are back together they have to find a new place to live , but only for 2-3 years then on the move again. Every time something’s are broken in the move or even lost.then they have to sell one of their cars and find another in the new location. But asked if he would give it up he would say no, he loves working and helping the soldiers in his care, plus his love of his country and what it stands for in the world.

chris muraco

First Responder: fire fighter

I think Chris muraco should be nominated because he puts out fires in the community so there is not houses burning all the time

Clyde Dunn

Military: Army

Because he served his country in Vietnam just to come back to be harassed, disrespected, for no reason of his own. These soldiers were treated so bad when they returned home. None of them deserved that. For something good to come his way finally maybe would let him release some of that hurt and feeling of betrayal.

Thomas Reuter

First Responder: Paramedic/Supervisor

Very competent and dedicated paramedic / supervisor !

Ronald Shanks

Military: Navy

My grandpa works three days a week and his car is currently falling apart. He always serves others before himself and is such a kind person. He can’t afford a new car, but he really deserves one. I want to give something to the person that always gives to others.

George Fitzpatrick

Military: Navy

I am nominating my husband George A. Fitzpatrick for this honor because he is truly one of the most selfless people I have ever met. George has been involved with the Boys & Girls Club since a child (38 years now) mentoring at-risk youth. He works there every afternoon, in addition to working full-time for the government during the day. George also coaches flag football teams on the weekends and has even brought teams to the Special Olympics "Buffalo Bowl" to raise funds in support of Special Olympic athletes. George also founded his own nonprofit organization in 2014, the River Rock Community Coalition (RRCC), to enhance the quality of life in his underserved childhood neighborhoods of Riverside and Black Rock. This organization is 100% volunteer based, and has been serving the community for over 10 years now, though regular events, clean-ups and improvement projects ( On top of all of this George is a dedicated father of 4 children, and an amazing husband!

Richard Richter

Military: Navy, Radio Operator, Korean War veteran on U. S. S. Gherardi Destroyer

Richard has always volunteered his time for others and whether family or friends, gives selflessly to everyone always! Whether it is church functions, charity fundraising or neighborhood assistance he is always there for others! At the age of 94 and driving a 21-year-old vehicle he's in need of a new vehicle after many expensive repairs the last couple of years. He is able to do his grocery shopping, pays all bills, cuts his own lawn with a push behind lawn mower, he even insists on snow blowing his driveway. Richard is one of nine and the youngest who begged his mom for an early allowance to be admitted into the US Navy to assist his older brothers in the Korean war which she proudly accepted. Richard left high School as a sophomore to defend our country, achieving top grade in radio School and in basic training. Richard was involved in Honor Flight Rochester and frequents the Buffalo Naval Park proudly and graciously educating children and adults. He needs a new car desperately, TY

Ronald Shanks

Military: Navy

I’m nominating my brother-in-law for the veteran nomination. He fought in Vietnam war and was never really appreciated for his services back then.He has always been the person who would do anything to help someone and I feel that this would be a great person to receive a new car as he drives to work in a old junker.

James M. Rosolowski

Military: Army

Jim is a true patriot, who served in Germany 1967-1969, as a heavy-equipment operator. He is sure to display our American Flag daily. He is a dedicated, loving husband, father & grandfather....who loves this country. He helps everyone he can whether he knows them or not.....and brings a smile to everyone that he comes into contact "earth Angel".

Jennifer Zirilli

Military: Air Force

She is a hard working step mom who helped raise my two beautiful boys . Twins aren’t easy! She works non stop and never catches a break. She goes above and beyond for anybody and puts her family first! That’s hard to do, especially when you’re in the military . She has 6 years in and still going strong !

Arron Schultz

Military: United States Air Force

My husband has served and was medically retired after 16 years of service. His selfless dedication to his country was done with honor.

David Green

Military: Army

Served our country in Viet Nam during some trying times in 1971=1972.I am very proud of him and could use a new vehicle instead of paying for a leased vehicle!!!

Chris Lopardi

Military: Air Force

Chris recently retired from the Air Force after serving for 22 years. He was a fire fighter during his time in the Air Force and he was deployed 3 times, twice to Iraq and once to South East Asia. He also traveled all over the world on operations. Chris is my husband and he also the father to our 4 children. As a family we have moved all over the country from duty station to duty station so he could continue to grow and meet promotions necessary to further his career. As an Airman my husband has devoted so much of his time for our country and as his family we have stood by his side through it all. He's a hard working dedicated man and deserves all the best. He has been driving his current vehicle since 2005 and I feel he deserves an upgrade. He had won numerous awards and recognition throughout his career and he is now a Senior Health and Safety Annalyst insuring all employees return home safe to their families. I really hope you consider Chris for this amazing opportunity! Thank you.

Paul Ruper

Military: Air Force

My father spent his career as a proud member of the Air Force serving our country. He made sacrifices to fulfill his duties, some that affected our family, and some that took him away from my sister and I for extended periods of time during childhood years. He has always shown up for us even when unable to be physically present. He cares greatly for others and has continued to serve his community and his family in his retirement. He puts his needs last and focuses on meeting the needs of others around him. He is the one person in my life that has never let me down and shows up even when it is really painful. I would love for him to be recognized for all that he does still to this day.

Wendy Coyde

Military: US Air Force

Wendy Coyde is a 20 year Air Force Vet . She is also a recipient of a Double Lung Transplant, She picked up a lung disease called Idiopathic Pulminary Fibrosis when she was serving in Desert Storm. which she received at the beginning of the Covid Pamdemic in November of 2000 . After she left the Military she went to school and received her Teachers Certificate in Mathematics and taught Algebra and Geometry at South Park High School for 22 years until her Lung Disease became unmanageable and her body just could not function anymore. She was teaching classes hooked up to an Oxygen bottle and a nasal canula . Now she is the Head of the Tonawanda Homeless Task Force and is in the Process of finding Homes and shelter for Homeless Vets and Homeless Citizens in the NorthTowns. She is also responsible for collecting over 700 Bicycles for 716 Wheels for workers campaign. She is non-stop , Wonderful person whe goes out of her way to help those in need. She really deserves of a new car.

Christian Colosi

Military: Army

Chris is THE strongest person I know. After his service in the Army, Chris developed PTSD. For several years, he turned to substances to help him deal with his debilitating symptoms, and one day he almost took his own life. I thank God everyday that his attempt was interrupted. Since then, Chris has worked with mental health professionals to help him gain and maintain sobriety. Everyday, I see him utilizing skills he’s learned in therapy to help manage his symptoms. Unfortunately even after years of therapy, I continue to hear him scream in his sleep some nights, and I can’t imagine the horrors he continues to experience. Despite this, he shows up and makes sacrifices everyday for our family. He’s always wanted a truck but has not been able to afford one because he’s always putting our three children and their needs first. I just love him so much, and he is truly an inspiration. It would be amazing to see him win.

Jordan King

Military: Army

Jordan is a disabled veteran and served multiple combat tours in Afghanistan from 2013-2016. He left the army to take care of his daughter who was born with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia while stationed in Germany. Jordan gave up a lot of time to the military and continued civilian contracting jobs oversees once his daughter was stable to continue to support his family. He gave up his vehicle about a year ago to save money for his growing family. With twins due in November 2024, their family could really use another vehicle. I couldn’t think of someone more deserving.

Richard Hartung

Military: Armu

My brother, Richard Hartung, was drafted at an early age. He was stationed in Thailand with the army base that housed oil tankers for US planes and bombers that were shelling North Vietnam. He was exposed to Agent Orange, developed and almost died from amoebic dysentery. He was later stationed in the US working with the army brass in Utah. All his life since he has suffered from the debilitating effects of the war. Originally turning to drugs and alcohol to mask his pain and rejection by father, he turned his life around by going to the VA for help. His shoulder, knee and hip joints had undergone surgical repair and now received infusions for his rheumatoid arthritis that attacks all his joints. Married but now separated, he and his wife lost two pregnancies. They adopted a child and raised her with love and care. He is the proud grandparent of 3 children through his adopted daughter, Emily. And a wonderful brother to me and my family and his brothers and sisters.

Stephen Landrigan

Military: Navy

I need a car to get my daily normal activity of life done my car broke down

Eric Schoenhals

Military: Airforce

Eric Schoenhals is a selfless patriot that has dedicated his career and life to serving those who can’t serve and protecting our freedoms. Serving as a nuclear misslear underground quietly protecting all Americans on a daily basis through nuclear deterrence.

James Cornelius

Military: Army

My Dad served his country in the Army. He went to Vietnam, where he sadly lost people he knew. Like so many other Vietnam combat veterans, he wasn't thanked for his service or sacrifice in those years. Only in the last 23 years (since 9-11-01) were these courageous men and women recognized for their loss, duty, sacrifice, and courage. My Dad is selfless, giving, and my personal hero. He's done so many wonderful things for my husband and I. He's an amazing person who's been through so many trials and tribulations. I'd love to nominate him, because he deserves it! Thank you

Matthew Morris

Military: Marine Corps

Greetings, Since medically separating from the Marine Corps in 2023 due to a motorcycle wreck Matthew has suffered severe PTSD from the accident. The trauma was so severe that for months it was extremely difficult for him to operate a vehicle. Now, over a year after the accident, through the support of our family, seeking professional help and following the birth of our daughter, my family requires a vehicle. For the last year, we were able to live in the city without a vehicle but are being forced to move out due to rising rent prices. I am also a permanently disabled Navy veteran and we would be sharing the vehicle both for work and the transportation of our 4-month-old daughter. A vehicle would allow us to regain our independence, get better jobs, support our new daughter and overcome the challenges that come with limited mobility. Vehicle need: 2 adults, 1 infant (4 months) Vehicle request: Four wheel drive as we are moving to rural Texas

Ebony Kusmierski

First Responder: Buffalo fire depratment

I would be honored to nominate my wife, Ebony Kusmierski. Not only is she a USAR veteran, but she is now currently a Buffalo Firefighter. Her life has been dedicated to selfless service to her community. She has never asked what was in it for her, but, what more can she do to help her community. Her spare time is dedicated to being the head of the PTA at BuffSci charter school (Clare St), as well as going to the gym to make sure she is in peak condition for the citizens of Buffalo. She has never had good luck with vehicles. Constant repairs have taken its toll financially on her. I just wish she could depend on her vehicle as confidently as those around her depend on her.

Donald Genovese

First Responder: Police

He has over 35 years of law enforcement experience and retired from the Buffalo Police and still serves as a Canisius University Police Officer and teaches at the Police academy and he also really needs a new truck

Stephen Rogers

Military: Desert Storm/Desert Shield Disbaled War Veteran Marines

Greetings my name is Nickeisha Rogers and I'd like to nominate my Husband Stephen Rogers. Even if it's his last he'll give to help another person, child, woman, neighbour, elder and especially another Veteran. He's over come so much through his severe struggles with PTSD, Depression and anxiety and wants to helps. He served in the Marines during the gulf War on a battle ship due to his heart failure and other conditions from serving he's been unable to work full time but has such a big heart for people and to still serve which has never stopped him. He's returned back to school to study to become a Reverend so he can start a non profit that will help other Veterans in need. He truly stands by the Marine creed of leaving no man nor woman behind. He's nicknamed "Mr Rogers Neigbourhood" because he looks out for everyone in need from helping Vietnam and Korean war Veterans who are in out neighbour's with meals etc. He's in great need of a van to help more Deep Gratitude. We appreciate you

Richard Ball jr.

Military: Msgt Air Force Security Forces

Richard is in his 22nd year in the Air Force National Gaurd. He served in Iraq and several spots in Saudi Arabia. He joined because of 911 and continues to serve as well as being a Major with the Buffalo Veterans Hospital police force. He gives respect to All,and is humble about his accomplishments. He continues to preform above and beyond in all areas.

Brad Cirillo

Military: Marines

My husband is the most selfless and helpful person I know. Despite what he’s been through both in combat and in day to day life, he’s always putting others needs before his own. He has done so much for our country and is truly passionate about his time spent in the United States Marine Corps. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this than him.

James Carrig

Military: Army E4 Wheel vehicle mechanic 8/72-8/75

Jim feels privileged to have served his country and is very proud of his time in the Army.. To me, he embodies a soldier and veteran. Jim is always willing to help anyone in need. He gives platelets every two months faithfully. Jim is a true patriot and really deserves recognition.

David Gil Martinez

Military: Army

I would to nominate my wonderful husband and partner. He served this Country with honor and dedication.

SFC Denise Puskar

Military: Army

I am nominating her for She is currently active in the Army and is a recruiter also she is the current commander for Post 59 American Legion... she is a active with the Post and Auxiliary too. Is an all around wonderful person!. She really made me feel welcome when I joined the legion.. is a true American!! She doesn't know I nominated her 🙂

Jewel Weekley

Military: Navy

.Jewel Weekley is a veteran of the U.S. Navy. Not only has she served her country, but after her service, became a nurse. She is a mother of four who works hard to take care of her children and work full-time and more to provide for her family. Her husband Devon is also a veteran of the U.S. Navy. Jewel is a hard worker, always advocating for her patients in the hospital, caring for them as if they were her own family. She's a dedicated mom as well, always making time in her busy work schedule to make it to hockey games, baseball games, and spend quality time with her children. She spent a period of time as a travel nurse as well, travelling back and forth from areas such as Jamestown and Rochester to see her family but also work in some of the shortest staffed areas during the pandemic. She is a blessing to her coworkers and patients, a team player. I cannot think of a more deserving candidate, who I believe qualifies as both a veteran and a first responder.

Colter Meabon

First Responder: USMC Veteran, Patrol Deputy, SWAT OPERATOR, Certified Bomb Technician

I am nominating my husband because he is truly my hero. He suffered great loss as a child and overcame a very unstable childhood. He served as a 0311 in the USMC RESERVES while attending college and the sheriffs academy. He started as a part time deputy while still serving and now has been full time for 5 years and is a certified bomb tech as well as a certified swat operator. My husband is selfless and hardworking. We only have a family vehicle and he does not have a vehicle of his own and we are outgrowing our small Subaru with another baby on the way. Though he seems rough around the edges, my husband would do anything for anyone. He’s sacrificed so much for our country, our community, and his family- and overcame so many hardships- he deserves a new vehicle so much.

Tyler Cirillo

Military: US Marines

I'm nominating my son, Tyler Cirillo who is currently serving his 4 year term in the US Marines as he is currently stationed in Washington DC . I feel he deserves a new car for his devotion and dedication to serving his country especially is these rough times that we are going through ...

Russell Burton

Military: Navy

Russ is an incredibly hard-working man who owns and operates a small business, and he never does much of anything for himself. His focus is always on others. He provides every day for his family and is known for his caring and giving nature. He cherishes being a husband, father and Papa to his grandkids. He loves cars and worked on racecars for many years, and he deserves a win like this!

Ronald Shanks

Military: Navy

I’m nominating my dad, Ronald Shanks because he always puts others first. Right now he has a 2009 Hummer that is in poor condition. He is 83 years old and still works 3 days a week at Enterprise by the airport to make some extra money and he enjoys working there because he has lots friends. It’s very hard for him to make the trip to work recently because of the condition of his car. He can’t afford to buy a new car even with his job. He always does for others and is very active in the community. He loves to drive and watch car shows! It would make him so happy to have a car so he can continue to do what he loves most, drive.

Suzanne Tofthagen

Military: USMC

I want to nominate my friend, Suzanne Tofthagen, to win a car. She is an amazing, giving person. She has had some hard times and yet she continues to get right back up. Right now she drives for Uber. I would love for to win a car so she can continue to make money with an awesome Basil vehicle and doing something she loves. Thank you!

Jason Capone

Military: Navy

My husband is the most help and courageous person I have ever met. He would give you his last dollar then go hungry himself. I feel he should be nominated because he would do anything for anyone at any time.

Anthony Balestrieri

Military: Army

I am nominating my brother Tony because I can’t think of a better person who deserves this. He was in the reserves and when 9/11 happened decided he needed to be full time. He went to NY city to help with the clean up, and shortly after to invade Iraq. He eventually got medically discharged due to an injury he still struggles with today. After coming home he was awarded the bronze star for his heroism while over seas.He also went on to get an economics degree from Buffalo state college. Today he lives a humbled life in Amherst NY with his girlfriend never having any children. I think every solder deserves so much more then they have gotten for the things they have gone through. But today I nominate my bother Tony Balestrieri. Thank you Patricia Weiglein

Leo Neumeier

Military: Air force

His truck just is beat up guy would give you the shirt off his back

Ian Walton

First Responder: Police; US Marshal

I am writing to enthusiastically nominate my brother, Ian. As a U.S. Marshal, he embodies the values of hard work, dedication, and service to both his country and his community in an exemplary manner. Throughout his tenure as a U.S. Marshal, Ian has consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty. His unwavering commitment to upholding the law and ensuring the safety of citizens has been nothing short of remarkable. Whether it's tracking down fugitives, protecting witnesses, or executing warrants, he approaches every task with unparalleled professionalism and determination. What truly sets Ian apart is his deep-rooted sense of duty to his community. He understands that the work of a U.S. Marshal extends far beyond the confines of the courtroom or the field. He actively engages with local residents, listens to their concerns, and works tirelessly to address them. He is a leader, a role model and an inspiration to our family, friends and community!

Rich Qualey

First Responder: State Police

My brother is a quiet everyday hero. From family to work he is one of the most humble people I know. He works many hours in law enforcement while raiding two beautiful children who themselves are busy with sports and life. His wife Maureen is also retired law enforcement and is just as humble as Rich. I nominate Rich because he follows in the footsteps of our father, Ed. A retired State Trooper and former Chair of the CJ Department at Hilbert College. Rich embodies the true essence of a good guy, a respectable police officer, deeply rooted in the family name and philosophy of service to others. Rich often takes on projects with work and in everyday life. My dad calls this “ Qualey-ing”… meaning always ready to help when needed. Rich was a first responder in NYC during 9-11. He had first hand experience with the awful aftermath of that day. He has held many position within the State Police and often in leadership roles. He is an adjunct instructor among his many other hats he wears.

Joseph Milosich

First Responder: Captain

During Covid we defeated all odds and purchased our own property after renting in the Town of Tonawanda for 15 years. Having a difficult time getting our business back on the map from the pandemic devotion Captain Joe assisted us back on the map and allowed us to do National Night Out with all our Service Men and Service Women that have all kept us safe while we have been in business. We are forever grateful for our Community Services Bureau Officer, Captain Joe Milosich

Andrew Kornacki

Military: Army

Andy continues to serve as a dedicated volunteer with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, embodying the values of integrity, duty, and selfless service. His unwavering commitment to giving back to the veteran community is evident through active participation in numerous initiatives that support our nation's heroes and their communities. Esprit de corps and respect for fellow veterans shine through in every interaction, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. A devoted husband and father of four, Andy balances family responsibilities with an impressive propensity to serve others, demonstrating an inspiring level of dedication and compassion. With an unwavering dedication to serving those who have served our country deserves recognition and appreciation, he truly exemplifying the values of compassion and generosity.

Jessie Wollek

Military: Army

Jessie is Purple Heart recipient from 2012 where he was injured in the line of duty in southern Afghanistan, he is a father of two and a caring husband and trying to provide all he can with what limited income the VA and Social Security provide.

Rob Weiskerger

First Responder: Sunset Bay Fire Chief

Just received award for firefighter of the year. He was also severely burned from the Tri-County Golf Coarse fire. Him and another guy went in but the the roof collapsed on him while he was rescuing his partner. His helmet melted and so did his coat. He got 3rd degree burns. He is also part of the FAST Team around our area in Chautauqua County. Always going above and beyond for not only his communities but other communities around us. Have pics of his helmet and jacket.

Justin Goulette

Military: Marine Corps

Justin is an outstanding young man with good values. Served his country with honors then attended Brockport College and obtained his Bachelors Degree in Computer Science. He always puts others first; he was married in 2020, purchased a house in 2023 then found room in their new home for two rescue dogs Ginger and Bella. Justin and his wife Michelle are now a one car family due to the high housing cost, Justin gave up his car in order to be able to afford everything for him and his wife, who is attending the University at Buffalo. He is genuinely a courteous, friendly and generous person.

Brian DiStasio

First Responder: Correctional Officer

I am nominating my husband Brian because of all he does for our family. We have struggled the past 4 years trying to have a baby. Even with him working long hours trying to make extra money so we could save up for IVF. We still were unsuccessful. My husband and I are now currently fostering a 5 month old little girl and are hoping to adopt one day. Brian has gone beyond what is expected to make my dreams of becoming a mother a reality. He deserves something special for all he does for our family.

Dominic Schrock

First Responder: EMT-Firefighter

Dominic has selflessly given of himself to help others in need. He joined the Ransomville Volunteer Fire Company 5 years ago and has continuously responded to any call that comes in for fire, first aid, car accident, welfare check, etc. He works full-time and often has to be on the road for his job before 6 am, and even with this early schedule, he doesn't hesitate to respond to a call that may take all night and have just enough time to shower, change and go to work. Dominic recently was honored for his service with the "Excellence in Patient Care" Award and the "Clinical Excellence Commendation" by Mt. St. Mary's Hospital. These awards speak volumes to the concern for others that Dominic has and always exudes. Just a week ago he attended a concert at Darien Lake when an individual suddenly collapsed and he jumped into action to assist. He would be so grateful to receive a vehicle to actually help him with his daily commutes and most importantly, his response to emergency calls.

Marvin Hall

Military: Army

Marvin, is my older brother. He was injured in 2005 in Iraq. He is disabled and retired from the military. For the last 6 years Marvin will drive the kids (Diff age/grade) from the neighborhood to and from school. He shovels pathways for the elderly, helps the younger kids with activities and events. I don’t know how to repay him he never wants anything in return. Recently his truck went bad and he’s saving for a dp. If he is lucky to be chosen I believe he will be elated.

David Glab

First Responder: He is a correctional officer

He works very hard to take care of our prisons and the inmate he drives back and fourth to almost Syracuse every time he is off because he also takes care of mom and dad I am not sure if being a correctional officer is considered Our first responder but if it is please con Consider him most young people don’t have a heart has good as him thank you

Jack Jones

Military: Army

Jack is a very caring and giving soul. Whenever there is a need in the neighborhood, Jack is there. We moved up to Buffalo a few years after our son with disabilities passed at 15 to be with our 29 year old and our granddaughter then 2 months later our son was killed in a motorcycle accident. Rather than give up after losing our son and his best friend, Jack stepped up further to help others and be the male influence to our granddaughter.

Brian Evancho (JR)

Military: Air Force

I feel like he should be nominated because he always puts everyone first and never himself . He always goes above and beyond for his family, friends and even strangers. He also just became a father this year (april 28th, 2024), he would be so surprised if he won!! He has been in the Air force for 15 - going on 16 years this year.

Donald Snell

First Responder: Volunteer Fireman

Don has been a volunteer for 28 years with the kenilworth fire company. Out of the 28 year Don spent 14 years running the fire prevention program. Don has given up plenty of family event to serve the fire department in various active. Don is always ready to respond when ever the fire tones go off. The call could be for a fire or simply CO detector going off.

Michael Barone

Military: U.S. Marine Corps

Michael Barone served honorably in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1978-1982. His MOS was aviation maintenance, specializing in helicopter hydraulics. After the military, Mike went to school for computer repair and worked for Wang Laboratories from 1984 until they declared bankruptcy in 1992. Michael then decided to follow in his father's footsteps and went into construction/home remodeling. He also worked part time nights at UPS. Michael has had a long struggle with drug addiction, but he is currently sober and doing very well at a VA Rehab facility. He is due to come home August 1, 2024 and will be living at the Altamont House which is a VA transitional housing facility. Michael gave up his apartment and sold his truck before putting himself into rehab. To help him maintain the sobriety that he has worked so hard to achieve, it will be essential to have a vehicle for work and to get himself to daily meetings as well as utilizing the gym at the Veteran One Stop Center.

Melissa Brewer

Military: Army

I am nominating my mom, who is a veteran of the US army who entered service right after 9-11. She served with the best of her ability until she was honorably discharged due to injuries acquired while serving. She took care of the us kids the best way she could even though things didn't necessarily work out as planned. She struggled, but always put us first even at the cost of her own mental health, but never made us feel like it was our fault. It has taken the last ten years of being apart to be reunited but she never gave up hope. I never forgot how inspiring she was and even joined the Army myself. I was soon discharged while in AIT due to an injury. I moved in my Nana's house a little less than a year after that, and my Mom is helping me get to my appointments and other things that I need to get to. She deserves this vehicle because she always puts others first and soon she may not be able to take care of her own needs to get to her appointments without it.

Melissa Brewer

Military: US Army

I am a 45 year old disabled veteran who, yes is nominating myself. My vehicle was repossessed after my bank account were hacked and even after making payment arrangements and made good on those arrangements, the loan company was not willing enough to work with me demanding payment in full which I could not do at that time, and so my credit took a nose dive and cannot get another loan. I live in a rural area where there is no public transportation access to buy food or even make it to health appointments, so a vehicle is a necessary commodity. As many veterans across this country I continue in limbo waiting for the VBA (Veterans Benefits Administration) to get my hearing date. I finish this off by saying to my fellow nominees, Thank you for your service.

Zaxhary Napora

Military: Navy

Zachary spent 8 years in the US Navy, did multiple deployments, and had planned to have a career in the navy. He was medically separated due to injuries sustained during his time in the military and has moved back home to WNY since. A new vehicle would be life changing for his start of a new life here at home.

Melissa Brewer

Military: Army

I am nominating my mother. She takes care of me and my daughter and making sure we need to get where we need to go, but without a vehicle that has gotten a lot harder since she has to borrow others vehicles all the time even to get to take care of her own needs such as buy food and got the doctor. She does not live where where there is any public transit so a car in absolutely necessary.

Michelle Burke

First Responder: Dispatcher

Michelle is a “First” First-Responder. She has been a dispatcher for the Lackawanna Police Department for more than two decades. She the one you first reach when you have an emergency and call 911. She then liaises with the fire department or police department to get you the help she needs. Michelle is an essential worker that has taken snow mobile rides to the station during snow emergencies while we are all safe at home. She is humble and always gives credit to other first responders but she deserves to be honored just as much as they do. Please accept this nomination and reward Michelle the big prize. From her loving brother Tommy.

Logan Girdlestone

First Responder: First Responder

Logan is an EMT, a part time employee of Orchard Park ambulance, a full time dispatcher for Amherst Fire, a member of the Elma FD and is just completing her paramedic course. She is committed to the service of others and is kind and sympathetic. Logan is also a graduate of RIT and has had her film on the Bills Mafia shown at both the Buffalo and Toronto Film Festivals.

Ronald Shanks

Military: navy

mr shanks is a 83 year old sweet man. he deserves this world and could really use a new car. he also so kind and helpful to others but never helps himself. i would like to be able to nominate someone who inspires me in like and deserves this

Franklin Everett

Military: Army

Franklin is one of the hardest working guys I know. He never thinks of him self and he always thinks of his family first. He goes out of his way to make anyone happy and thinks of his self last. He is a great family man. Loving caring great sense of humor and love animals. One of his favorite things to do is scare his daughters. He finds it funny to make them worry. Weird sense of humor but funny in the end. Again he is one of the hardest working people I know. You don’t know how much this would change his life and make him feel like his sacrifice was worth it in a world where people don’t care anymore. He was wounded in Vietnam and at one time listed as a p.o.w. He served many years serving our country. And finally retired. He has worked his whole life. And only after 50 years has started getting some thanks for his service. He lost many friends. He still feels the pain of loss. Every night he suffers from night terrors. The memory will haunt him forever. This would change his life!

Thomas Mims

Military: Army

Thomas is a great father, husband, and grandfather. He continues to serve others by helping with home repairs, in anyway he can. He loves to travel with his buddies to golf. He believes he could be the next Tiger Woods. A new car would be a great way to say job well done and that his good deeds are honored and appreciated.

Kristopher Krahl

First Responder: Customs and Border Protection

My husband served 4 years in the Air Force in the early 1990's and has been with Homeland Security since 2009. He always felt compelled to serve his country again after 9/11 but was in the private sector working 70 hours a week and just did not have enough time to give to his country. When he did sign up for his current position, he did so with pride to once again be there giving his all. Kris works so hard for his family also, many times going without so his kids can have the education and experiences in life he never got to until he was much older and on his own. Kris has had go on detail to the southern border, many times for up to a month away from his family. During one detail, his mother passed away while he was 1 week into a 4 week detail. During another detail, our oldest son made his Confirmation and he had to miss that as well. We will always support him and would love to give him a small token of our love and appreciation for all his sacrifices for his family.

Daniel Giuga

Military: Marine veteran

Dan is my father who served as a Marine in the Vietnam war. He has been an inspiration for his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. He is always there to help, even at his age he will jump to assist anyone in need. The combat affected his physical and mental health but he persevered through it all. He deserves to be recognized because of his service, his dedication and his loyalty to his county and his family. I have included a picture of him with three of his grandsons visiting the wall of heros. Thank you.

Joyce Day

Military: Army Reserves

She a good communicator and very helpful in the neighborhood as well as in her church.

Dawn Steins

Military: Navy

I am absolutely in awe of what Dawn has been through, & continues to go through, & yet she will literally give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. I met Dawn in March of 2023 & we instantly became sisters! Up until early 2023, Dawn was made to feel like she shouldn't be proud of her service. As with all of us, she is a work in progress, but I am so proud of the amazing transformation & progress she has made in just 15 months! She has stood up for herself, advocated for herself & others, & stopped allowing others to take advantage of her kind & generous soul. Her bravery in going WAY out of her comfort zone are absolutely inspirational! I mean, just in this picture alone! She allowed herself to be treated to a facial, haircut & color, get into not just any dress, but a gown & rock it at a fundraising gala for Veterans. I can not think of anyone more deserving of some new wheels to get around, helping others, her children & grandchildren! (& boy could she use them!)

Mike Martino

Military: Air Force

Mike served 20 years active duty as a MC-130H flight engineer. He has been on numerous deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Africa, Kuwait, Qatar as well as humanitarian missions for the Tsunamai in 2005 in Thailand and India, Hurricane Katrina, and the Tsunami in Japan. He has been stationed in Japan twice, Florida twice, Arizona, Texas and 4 years in Arkansas as a flight instructor. He retired with 22 medals and accommodations. He retired with a 100% service connected disability from injuries sustained in combat. His service didn't stop after military service. Upon retiring he became a volunteer fire fighter and also worked as an EMT for Mercy Flight in Buffalo. He is an avid Buffalo Bills and it was one of the biggest reasons for him moving back home in 2019.

Joshua Carey

First Responder: Firefighter

While on vacation in Florida on the beach almost 2 weeks ago, Firefighter Carey noticed a commotion from the shore about 20 feet away from where he was sitting. People were racing out of the water in a panic and there appeared to be an injured person. He ran over to the shore where a 15 year old girl was being dragged from the water. The water was filled with blood and it was apparent that she had been the victim of a shark attack. Carey quickly worked with other bystanders to apply multiple makeshift tourniquets to the young girl to stem the blood loss. He continued his life saving interventions and assistance even after the paramedics and lifeguards arrived approximately 10-15 minutes later. The County Sheriff, in a press conference, credited Carey and other bystanders for saving the victim's life.

Jessica Jankowski

First Responder: Deputy sheriff

Because she selflessly goes to work each knowing that she will be there most likely for 16hrs because work is so short staffed, goes days without seeing her children and does it all trying to stay positive and with a smile. She never complains, and always spends all her free time with the family who I know she misses like crazy.

Tony Marvin

First Responder: Firefighter

I am nominating my husband because he served in the Air Force for 16 years, with the goal of serving 20+ but was unfortunately medically retired. He didn't let that stop him though. He changed gears and became a volunteer firefighter for Terry's Corners Fire Company. Just last year he took over 100 hours of classes and was nominated as firefighter of the year. He recently was voted in to be 3rd Asst Chief and Sergeant at Arms. Then most recently he came a certified EMT. He did all of this while working a full time job and raising a family with 5 small children. He is always there for anyone and everyone that needs him and I truly believe he deserves this!

Gary Krehan

Military: US Army

I am nominating my husband Gary,he served during Desert Shield/Desert Storm he worked very hard for years and always took care of our family when it came to the vehicle’s we needed for children, college all the while not complaining about not having a newer car to drive but making sure we had a nice reliable vehicles he made sure they were taken care of all the while he drives a late model vehicle. Gary was diagnosed with a Brain tumor that is slow growing and he receives Radiation to shrink. Ever since he became disabled owning a new car to drive is something that has faded away but I know deep down he would love to drive a new would lift his spirits, He has overcome so many hurdles, Gary recently put a uniform back on and now serves in the Honor Guard for the fallen at the National Cemetery in Corfu New York and travels regularly to Honor our fallen.It would benefit him to have a new reliable vehicle to drive. Thank you Carol Krehan (716)425-5210

David Drew

Military: Army

My dad’s been going through a lot of health problems and at the same time taking care of my nieces. He hasn’t let his health issues stop him from being in there lives or mine. He deserves it!

Derek Duggan

Military: US Air Force

Derek served our country with distinction from 2004 to 2016. He was deployed twice to Kirkuk, Iraq, 06 and 08, where he fulfilled his duties with honor and integrity in challenging and perilous conditions. Derek developed a number of unseen medical conditions as a consequence of his service, which not immediately apparent; physical and psychological toll of these conditions has strained relationships and created significant hardships. Derek has persevered and continues to bear the scars of his service with dignity. One of the most heartbreaking experiences of his career was the loss of his best friend during a training exercise. This tragic event deeply affected Derek, compounding the emotional burdens he carries from his service. Despite the daily struggles that accompany his unseen wounds, he remains proud of his contribution to his country and exemplifies the spirit of a true patriot.

Evan Keany

First Responder: EMT

Evan is a tremendous single father who is either working or taking care of his son, Hudson. He has very little time for himself or a ton of money even though he works to respond to people’s medical emergencies across Western New York, yet, we never hear him complain. If anyone is deserving of break, it’s my brother who selflessly works to protect others.

Valerie Stephens

First Responder: county sheriff

She does so much for the kids in her county. Santa’s shopping with an officer, kids summer camp, Easter egg hunt always organizing something for the kids or being involved. Doing things for the community. Working tons of overtime that she barely has time for herself. Takes on shifts if someone needs it off or has an emergency at home. All round good person. Photo of the golden egg!

Connor Hare

Military: Coast Guard

I'm proud to say that Connor is my nephew. He has such a wonderful personality and is very outgoing. Through out his training and education for the Coast Guard, he has put forth the effort to do his very best. And most importantly, he loves what he is doing! We are all so proud of the young man he has become! He has a bright future in front of him!

Connor Hare

Military: US Coast Guard

This is my nephews 2nd year in service to our great nation. He has won numerous awards during basic training and rate training. We all know our service men and women are extremely underpaid. This would be a wonderful gift for any one of our young servicemen or women or veteran. Please consider my nephew, Connor for this amazing gift. Thank you.

Connor Hare

Military: Coast Guard

Connor is my cousin. He has always been so nice to me and is a great role model. He is passionate about what he does and is a hard worker, but best of all, he is a great human being. He is always willing to help others and bring them up when they are down. I am only 13 and he has already had a great positive impact on my life.

Connor Hare

Military: Coast Guard

I am nominating Connor because he is a hard working individual. He chose to go in the Coast guard to protect our country. He deserves a new vehicle!

Connor Hare

Military: Coast Guard

I’d like to nominate my brother Connor, Connor joined the US coast guard right out of high school at 17, he wasn’t even 18 yet and my mom had to give permission. Connor had to also get medical clearance because he was involved in a terrible accident while playing football in high school, he broke his tibia and fibula in April, but that didn’t stop him, he was bound and determined to not let this stop him, not a year later he was placing at states for wrestling representing his home town, Warsaw. Connor was so eager to join the military to serve the country he loves. Anyone who knows Connor, loves Connor, he is always willing to help out or just make you laugh. His love for the water is what drew him to the coast guard. My brother has never had the privilege of a new vehicle and I would love to see him finally get what he deserves.

Alfred Ware

Military: Army

My step-dad is a veteran. Him and my mom reside in Buffalo ny. He is currently on dialysis and on the waiting list for a donor kidney. Still in good spirits he is gettin older. Has continuous appointments both in and out of town for his health condition. Him and my mother drive an extremely old cadillac with a whole lot of car problems. My mother also takes my grandmother to all of her appointments. My mother is disabled and has her own illnesses yet she does all of this for the people she loves. A new vehicle would help this portion of my family immensely.

Paul Wolentarski

Military: Navy

Paul retired from the US Navy after serving 20 years. He was in LeMoore, CA, and on an aircraft carrier. After coming home to Buffalo, he moved in with his dad due to not being able to afford independent living. He had some personal setbacks, still trying to get his disability benefits raised. He was not properly diagnosed upon discharge, but due to anxiety he is not able to follow through on appointments. He did manage to procure a cheap vehicle that was not reliable, but now it is unrepairable Having a vehicle was very lifting for his sense of independence. He belongs to an American Legion and is also a life member of a failing VFW, where he is very active in the upkeep. Paul had been driving elderly veterans to appointments. He is always quick to volunteer his services and expertise to anyone in need but is now unable to, not having a vehicle. His minimal retirement is his only income. Having a vehicle would be monumental to his self-esteem, giving him a sense of purpose.

Wayne Snyder

Military: Navy

My husband has endured two one year deployments and countless trips around the US during his 22 year Navy career. Additionally has been a seasoned member of the New York State department of corrections for over 11 years. He is a loving and dedicated father and husband. He is the hardest working person I know and never gives up on anything!

Scott Milligan

Military: US Army

Scott has been in the Army for 23yrs. He has deployed to Iraq, Guantanimo Bay Cuba, and many other places such as the US Virgin Islands. Scott has been activated by New York State to serve in Washington DC for the Jan 4th rioting, for the presidential election of 2020 and had already received information that he will be going to the Capitol again this year. Scott has risen thru the ranks of his Military unit steering out as a private and now holds the rank of Sergeant First Class. Scott always helps out his local community as much as he can, during the past few winters he had used his truck to pull multiple people out of being stuck in the snow. Scott uses his personal snow blower to clear 8 peoples driveways in our neighborhood, always focusing on helping the elderly people on our street. Every year myself and Scott host the blue pumkins for K-9's event in honor of Scott's friend Craig Lehner. Winning this would mean the world to Scott. He would continue to help with this veh

Jake Dwaileebe

First Responder: Firefighter

Jake is my younger brother and deserves this more than anyone. He and his wife recently had pre mature twin boys at 22 weeks in December of 2023. They unfortunately lost one of their boys after 7 days and Knox has been fighting at Oishei Children’s Hospital in Buffalo since he was born on December 6 2023. Jake and Amber travel to Buffalo on a daily basis to be with their baby boy spending countless hours in the NICU. Jake has been a fireman since 2019 and has been through plenty of ups and downs. Please support Jake and his family by selecting him for a new car.

Todd Lindbloom

Military: Army

My husband is a disabled veteran US Army Active Duty. He served his country in the late 90's early 2000's. Now a family man of 4 daughters, he is a hard working loving husband and father. Todd was a teacher K-12 math in WNY and is still working in education as the Lead Math Specialist in the Northeast for SAVVAS Learning Company.

Michael Wilson

Military: USMC

My dad was always a hard worker taking care of everyone else before himself making sure we had Everything we need he is on disability now due to health problems he is in the Camp Lejeune lawsuit and they think that’s where a lot of his health problems came from so he protected us all and got sick doing it kinda not fair huh? He is my hero and an American hero so I would love to see him get something for him for once

Robert Averill

Military: Navy

Not only did this man serve our country but he lost his wife, cat, and dog all in the last year. This man also took me in as his daughter eight years ago when I had no one. He supports me and my two children. He he's helped our family through so much trauma and hardship. Also works full time at a job that sometimes makes him work seven days a week when he should be able to be retired. He is the most hard working loving person and if anyone deserves this it would be him.

Wayne Snyder

Military: Navy

He has served for 23 years and devoted his life to our country he served 2 times overseas in Kuwait and got promoted to chief status.Wayne has also been a corrections office at five point prison and now at wende he is very devoted to to both the navy and corrections

Wayne Snyder

Military: Navy

Wayne’s children, Paige and Matthew, as well as myself, his wife Julie, nominate Chief Wayne Snyder of the US Navy Seabees. Chief Snyder has been on 2 full deployments overseas during the War on Terrorism. He has been a member of the US Navy Seabees construction battalion for over 21 years and still serving. Aside from being a loving, involved and supportive father and husband, he is the most dedicated, devoted and hard working person I’ve ever met. He has sacrificed much over the last 2 decades to show his family, friends and community the love he has for his country and fellow men and women.

Paul Wolentarski

Military: Navy

My brother Paul served in the navy for 20 years working on jet engines and training too. He was stationed in California . When he retired from the navy he was living with our father in Cheektowaga NY due to unfortunate circumstances. He had NO vehicle of his own but NEVER complained he just made due . He finally obtained a very used vehicle that got him places but now that one has died and he has no more transportation . Paul was driving other veterans to Dr appointments and to visit spouses in nursing homes. He does much service with the Leonard post Vfw and gierlach post in Sloan but now cannot volunteer his services without a vehicle. He is MUCH deserving of a vehicle. I hope Basil can help Paul out . Thank you

Connor Hare

Military: Coast guard

Connor has always been devoted to all his endeavors whether it be sports , friends or family. His strength and determination has only increased as he has been serving in the US Coast Guard. Connor is very dedicated to his time served and builds his strength in the gym as much as he can. His gentle and caring nature makes him a great learner and he will be a great leader in the future as he moves up. On behalf of our family we are very proud and honored to have Connor.

Michael Theuerkauf

First Responder: State Police

Trooper Michael Theuerkauf has dedicated his life to the service of the Citizens of NY State selflessly placing himself in harms way on a daily basis. His quick response to aiding several individuals experiencing life threatening overdoses has given them new leases on life. His diligent enforcement of vehicle and traffic law including aggressively patrolling for intoxicated drivers has made our roads significantly safer. His role as a Field Training Officer has helped to pave the way for the next generation of State Police to carry on in his footsteps.

Jason Nesci

Military: Army veteran

I’m nominating my husband, Jason as he is a 14 year army veteran, medically retired due to an accident he endured in 2007 while deployed in Iraq. Jason is selfless and finds value in helping his community. We moved back to Buffalo in 2017 after completing his military service in Fort Drum, NY. Jason is now a EMT in our local volunteer fire company.

Eric Braunscheidel

First Responder: New York State Troopers

Trooper Braunscheidel, while working as a Trooper, saved the life of a volunteer fireman while doing CPR in Niagara County. The volunteer fireman, while directing traffic for an accident investigation that Trooper Braunscheidel was handling, passed out and was unresponsive with no pulse. Trooper Braunscheidel immediately jumped into action and began CPR. Due to Trooper Braunscheidel's life saving measures, he was able to successfully resuscitate the volunteer fireman.

Ernest Minechello

First Responder: New York State Police- Trooper

Ernest has been dedicated to a life of serving. Ernest first enlisted in the Army 26 years ago and climbed the ranks to a Lieutenant Colonel. 14 years ago Ernest changed paths from serving his country to serving his community and joined the New York State Police. Ernest has been a part of numerous arrests from getting criminals off the streets, to helping children after the loss of a loved one. Aside from being a public servant Ernest and his wife have adopted 8 children since being married. No one deserves a new car more than Ernest.

Roland Autry

Military: NY Army National Guard, Company Clerk

I was the Company Clerk for the 243rd Medical Company at Masten Avenue Armory. I served Enlisted and Officers there and provided administrative services under the leadership of the Unit Administrator from 1980 to 1987. However due to being retired with a small income cannot afford a vehicle at this time. Perhaps one can be provided. Thank you for your kind consideration!

Brian McAllister

Military: Army

They were in the Afghanistan invasion in 2001 as a private, spent 3 of his 4 years deployed and went through tremendous amounts of conflict. After his 4 years he got out and became a federal officer for the Bop. After his time with the bop as an officer he rejoined the military to give more at the age of 37. He loves to give to his country and gave alot of his physical and mental being to all of us.

Mohamed Soliman

First Responder: Medical Resident

Mohamed Soliman is one of the hardest-working persons I have ever met. He working as a neurosurgery resident at Buffalo General Medical Center doing all the time emergency cases including trauma patients. He goes to work at 3 am and finish at 9-10 pm even in the weekends to take care of the patients. I nominated him because he has an old car that is he suffering with it but he can not afford getting a new one and he is always afraid that his break and this affect his work.

Paul Wolentarski

Military: Navy

Paul is retired Navy living on his meager retirement check. He has recently lost his very old vehicle due to it being unrepairable. He is now unable to keep up on his commitments to maintenance on a VFW he belongs to. He was also the main means of transportation for another veteran that is over 100. Paul is known to “be the guy” to help out when you are in need. He has had the nickname “McGiver” for being able to fashion quick fixes, including his vehicle up until now. Having a vehicle would truly give him a sense of purpose, having transportation!

James Carrig

Military: US Army

I would like to nominate my brother, James Carrig. He was in the USArmy stationed in Germany back in the early 1970’s. He raised 2 boys and helped raise 2 step-daughters. He attends activities at the VA center and is a caring, loving person. Since he is on a fixed income he could sure use a new vehicle. Please consider him.

Angel Echevarria

First Responder: Police

I am nominating my brother because he is an amazing person. When you first meet him he is most likely cracking a joke and making you smile. He is a generous, funny, caring guy. If you need help, my brother is the first person we all call. He is always there no matter what. As a police officer Angel loves his job. He loves helping and protecting the citizens of Dunkirk. If the department needs him to work an extra shift, Angel does it without hesitation. Angel always wanted to follow our family footsteps either in the army or become a law enforcement. Angel has helped the community by reading at the elementary schools, worked after school events, helped with Memorial Day parade and events at the fairgrounds. I know he deserves to win this because he always puts himself second. Even if it is a new car, he would be so grateful and appreciate this so much. We are so incredibly proud of him and his accomplishments. I hope you consider him because he deserves everything and more.

Dave Delcarlo

Military: Marine

Dave Delcarlo is an all American bad ass business owner with a big heart who loves Buffalo and all the people in this area and country.

Connor Hare

Military: Coast Guard

I would like to nominate my son Connor Hare. He enlisted in the Coast Guard after High School Graduation. It took a lot of work for him to be accepted due to severely broken leg when playing football his Jr year. He had dreamed of being in the military since he was a little boy. The Coast Guard is the most difficult branch of the military to enlist in. He didn't let that stop him. He had to go to multiple Drs at home and PA for clearance. He started Bootcamp a few days after his 18th birthday. He has thrived at every level of his training thus far. He is currently stationed in Philadelphia where he is the machinist of the boat. As a Mother I am so very proud of him for serving our country. It saddens me however the low income our men and women make whom serve our country. Selecting Connor for this honor would be such a wonderful blessing. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!!

Carlee Hunt

Military: Airforce

Carlee is a very loving individual. She joined the Airforce right out of high school. The military pay scale for enlisted is low scale which is hindering her ability to pursue a new car. If she were to win this car it would give her a huge jumpstart in life while serving our country. This would also help her pursue college ambitions to become a nurse.

Matt Daniels

Military: US Army

Wheelchair vet with a family. Could use a vehicle

Matthew Daniels

Military: Army

Matthew fought for our country and defended our freedom resulting in a injury that left him in a wheelchair. He has never let that impact his life in a negative way. He continues to play adaptive sports and live a full life. He is a hero and role model to so many people and young disabled athletes. He is currently driving a car that does not properly accommodate his wheelchair.

Matthew Daniels

Military: Army

Matthew is a disabled vet , being wheelchair bound does not slow him down he is active in disabled sports and his home life with his wife and four children. Matt is a good friend and great battle buddy he has helped me through personal struggles he’s the kind of man who leaves nobody behind. Whatever he has he strives to make better. A great person to invest in. Thank you Paul Schaus USMC ret

Matthew Daniels

Military: Army

He needs a new vehicle for all of his adaptive sports and family

Pamela Romano

First Responder: EMT

My daughter Pamela has been a career EMT for 30 years. She has been in dangerous situations and always puts others first. She is a very hard worker, she works long overnight shifts and spends more time at work than home sometimes. On top of working I was recently diagnosed w cancer and she has been caring me. Her dream car is a dodge challenger and it would an amazing gift for her if she wins.

Matt Daniels

Military: Army infantry

Matt is an amazing person and part of the community. He was injured in Iraq while serving our country and as a result is now in a wheelchair. But he doesn’t let that hold him back. He was one of the founding members of Buffalo’s wheelchair football team and used his role in that organization to influence other wheelchair bound men, women and children to play sports and stay active. He also used his spot on that team to spread awareness for the sport. He also does this through his role on Buffalo’s veteran’s sled hockey team. He is an amazing family man as well, with him and his wife adopting two girls who needed a home when their mother was deemed unfit to be their parent. They have permanently adopted one and in the process of fully adopting the other. He does so much for others, he deserves something to help him for a change.

Leon Yarrington

Military: Air Force

My dad who is 81 years old should definitely win this award and prize because he is a decorated Air Force veteran that served during Vietnam war. He's also a selfless person he would do anything for anyone even if they have wronged him, he has so much love and caring in him. Hard exterior, soft marshmallow center.

Corey Gray

Military: Army

Corey is a husband father and Middle School principal. He makes time for his family students and staff always treating them with respect.

Franklin Crum

Military: Army

I am nominating my husband, a dedicated Army National Guard veteran who bravely served one tour overseas, including in Afghanistan. Inspired by the events of 9/11, he joined the Army to protect and defend his country with unwavering courage and commitment. His service exemplifies honor, sacrifice, and resilience, deserving recognition for his profound impact on others' lives and steadfast dedication to duty. While overseas he participated in humanitarian work in the community where he was stationed. Franklin not only demonstrates courage he also shows selflessness.

Christian Otto-Smith

Military: Navy

I am nominating my husband, who selflessly severed 4 years in the navy. Stepped up & took on 3 kids that were not his! Makes sure we have absolutely everything & never puts himself first. He’s driving a 2002 Chevy pickup when I wish I could give him his dream truck. He’s now a volunteer at our local fire department so he can continue to give back to our community as that’s something he loves to do. I would love to make this a reality for him.

Leon Patchin

Military: Air Force

Leon served his country proudly during the Vietnam War and has been a dedicated father, grandfather, husband, and patriot. His commitment to his country is matched only by his devotion to his family. At 69 years old, Leon is preparing for retirement in the next couple of years. Winning a car would speed up his well-deserved retirement. Leon has always been a pillar of strength and support for our family, ensuring that we have everything we need. He has worked tirelessly to provide for us, never asking for anything in return. Throughout his life, Leon has demonstrated unwavering patriotism and a strong sense of duty. His contributions during the Vietnam War and his continued support for the community through mentoring make him a role model. This would be a well-deserved reward for a man who has given so much to others.

Matthew Daniels

Military: US Army

Matt is a war veteran who was injured by an IED,when returning home he started loosing the use of his legs because of a nerve problem. Matt did not let this stop him. Since returning home he and his wife have adopted 2 children, although they only planned on adopting one, they learned that there were two girls that were sisters and adopted both so they would not be split up. Matt was a high school athlete before going in the Army and has not let his injury stop him, he was the QB for the Buffalo Bills wheelchair football team and is in the sled hockey and wheelchair lacrosse team. Nat is a member of VFW Downriver Post 7487 and has been instrumental in helping to raise money for our VFW Scholarship which gives 3 $2000 scholarships to students from Lew Port and Niagara Wheatfield.

Isaiah Hall

Military: Marine

Wonderful father discharged from Service 2-3 years ago based in California moved locally to provide for family and had to start from Scratch while preparing for new family addition .

Jeff Blanchard

Military: Army

Jeff's life is that of a protector of his community. He joined the Army, then became a Fireman for a number of years, and he's now an EMT for an ambulance service. He keeps growing as a person and is currently going to college as well as working full-time. He's one of the good ones. Thank you for your service to this community by offering this event. It's a wonderful way to show vets and first responders some much needed love.

Marshall Merle

First Responder: EMT

As Marshall's employer for over 25 years, he displayed an enormous concern for our local community. If there was a fire call or EMT call, he would leave work to respond. I always appreciated the fact that he felt a responsibility to our business but also felt an obligation to help his neighbors. Marshall has served the Alexander Volunteer Fire Department in many capacities including Line officer, Ass't Fire Chief, Fire Chief, and a training advisor. Currently he serves as the Truck Captain. He is a humble, dedicated, hardworking gentleman who has given hours and years of service to the Alexander Volunteer Fire Department and the surrounding community. It is a privilege to nominate Marshall Merle.

Bryan Doyle

Military: Army and Navy

I am a combat veteran who served in the Navy and Army. I served 7 years with the Navy and 3 years with the Army. I was deployed to Iraq in 2008 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I was Honorably discharged from both services.

James Schultz

Military: Army

i’m nominating my father Jim Schultz because he’s done a lot for a lot of people and he has a heart of gold. i really think that this would be the best thing for him as he has givin up a lot for our country and fought hard for us.

Charles Fuller

Military: Navy

Charles served in the Navy during the Vietnam war on the USS Ranger. Charles has always been proud of his service and is always happy to share his experiences with others. As we know, the Vietnam vets were treated badly when they returned and were never recogonized as war heros or men who served bravely during a terrible time when so any lives were lost.

Paul Poole

Military: Army

I nominate Staff Sergeant Paul Poole because of his dedication, discipline, and commitment to serving his country is exemplary. He consistently go above and beyond in his duties, showing courage and bravery in the face of adversity. His leadership skills and ability to work well under pressure makes him a valuable asset to the military. I wholeheartedly believe that SSG Paul Poole deserves recognition for their outstanding service to their country.

Charles Miller

First Responder: Buffalo Police Department lieutenant

My husband has a very difficult job, but still brings the human to the position, to help the community and his team when he can.

Scott Stafford

First Responder: Canine Officer Lewiston Police

K9 Officer Scott Stafford had been committed to being a Police officer for over 27 years and a K9 Officer for over 17 years. His dedication and loyalty to his canine partner and to what this job entails is unwavering. Long hours of training, late nights of chasing the bad guys, teaching DARE, trainings, demos, classes, K9 seminars and volunteering at schools and fairs. He also certifies and works with other K9 officers because he wants to see them succeed and he loves the program. Over the years he has earned medals, awards and recognition for his achievement's as an Officer and K9 officer, but you won't every hear him brag, instead you will hear him say " there is always room for improvement. " Scott will be the first to sign up for classes and trainings to expand his skills as an Officer. Scott Stafford has earned respect from not only his department but from counties and cities within the WNY area for his hard work, dedication and success working with his canine partner.

Andrew Hand

Military: Army

Im nominating Andrew because he is an amazing person. Andrew has endoured many hardships in his life and always kept going and with a smile on his face. Andrew went active when we went to war leaving his beautiful family behind as it was not easy but he knew it was his job and he needed to be with his Army family. Andrew was in engineer brigade and would literaly be welding while shots being fired over and around him!! He made it home but unfortunately many from his unit did not. Andrew suffored 2 strokes after n the last one took his ability to speak and this forever changed his life..I envy him because he is a true American hero and to this day he still battles p.t.s.d. and the diagnosis of Alphasa but keeps a smile on his face knowing he served his country and proudly!!!

Mark Dailey

Military: US Coast Guard (E5)

Mark has been employed at Niagara Hospice since September 2017. In his capacity he counsels bereaved family members after their loved one has passed. As part of his job, he uses his own vehicle to meet with the family members at their location of chose. Mark is an integral part of the Hospice care team and if chosen would use the vehicle to make the bereavement visits bringing much needed comfort to the families. Counselors in the bereavement marketplace do not make a lot of money and purchasing new cars would be a hardship.. According to ZipRecruiter the average salary in the Buffalo, NY region for a Hospice bereavement counselor is $57,615.00. Mark is part of the unsung hero's at Niagara Hospice and I am honored to nominate him for the Vehicles for Vets. Respectfully submitted, John Lomeo President & CEO

Angelique Harris

First Responder: Police Station

I’m nominating myself because I have been a first responder for 16 years and 10 months.

Robin Honeycutt

Military: Army

Robin is a US Army veteran, who give of himself selflessly, he is a Mason, a Shriner, and works with multiple youth leadership organizations including DeMolay and Triangle which help our youth become the leaders of tomorrow. No matter what he is doing he will drop everything help anyone, especially the kids.

James Bauch

First Responder: Fire Department

My dad, James Bauch, is my hero. My dad served 30 years in the Rochester Fire Department and worked his way up to being a lieutenant. My dad served as a firefighter who cared for all people at all times. There was nothing my dad wouldn't do for another person. My dad would give the shirt off his back to help a complete stranger. My mom got sick when I was 11 years old, and my dad has been taking great care of her ever since, due to her being disable and unable to work. My dad retired after 30 years, and now spends all his time with my mom, and taking care of her. I am so proud to be my dad's daughter, and winning this would mean the absolute world to him. My dad is not one to seek out recognition, but I know how much he appreciates it when he does receive it. My dad would be so thankful to win this giveaway and would love a new car. He is so very deserving, and I wish I could put it into words just how amazing he is. Please help me honor him with this amazing giveaway! Thank you!

Sgt Major Daniel Ryan

Military: ARMY

I am so very proud to nominate 1SG Ryan. He is my son in law and I couldn't have asked for a better partner, husband, Dad, or team member than Daniel. He is so dedicated to his Army family and his own. He never turns down a chance to learn and teach new things to his fell team mates. He is an Airborne Ranger and advanced Mountaineer. He's attended Jungle School, Pathfinder school and is a Jumpmaster for jumps out of planes and helicopters. His determination to make things better for the next group of soldiers is outstanding. He always goes above and beyond. Knowing what heartaches our service members endure is beyond belief. This young man before 30 saw 5 deployments. This mans uniform speaks volumes for all that he has done. Dan would give his shirt off his back to his team. The family is about to move back from overseas. I will with honor nominate 1Sgt. Ryan for a vehicle that him and is family could enjoy with Team Ryan on all their adventures take the boys and 1 dog, Scout.

Ernst Samedi

Military: Air Force E3 Airborne Operator

Ernst has tried to serve his community by opening a religious store after the military selling items collected around the world over the years. Then was blessed with 4 girls ranging from 1 to 9. He's been able to keep them fed and clothed even as he's dealt with lots of deaths in his family. Now with a big family he has no way to come and go especially his VA appointments. Please Choose Him Sincerely Johanne Demosthene

Richard Schwenn

Military: Marine corps

I am nominating him because he is my father who has scarficed a lot of things in life to make sure all 5 of his kids always had food on the table and shoes on there feet.

A J Ortiz

First Responder: Detective, Buffalo Police Dept

While off duty, discovered an occupied vehicle, which had entered the water. Detective Ortiz immediately took action to secure the vehicle thereby preventing the vehicle from sinking further. Detective Ortiz was then able to rescue the occupants of the vehicle. The courage shown by Detective Ortiz is considered to be extreme. If it were not for Detective Ortiz, serious injury or death would have been the most likely outcome.

Charles Michels

Military: Army

My dad currently drives around 12 grandkids as well as having kids and a wife that do not drive and ask for help. This is on top of a full time job as a security guard where he uses his car for patrols occasionally.

Steven Busch

Military: ARMY

Steven has been in the ARMY since he was 17. Steven didn't even plan on joining; he won an iPod at an event held by the ARMY. He surprised the recruiter by saying I would like to join without hesitation or regret. Steven served two tours as a tanker, Military Police, and many other positions. Steven retired from the AMRY in 2019 after serving 16 years. After multiple surgeries on his back, legs, and hips from hitting ground bombs, it was time to hang up his uniform. Some people view military service as the choice people make who have no other choice. However, for Steven, serving this country was the best professional decision he had ever made. Now, he is a full-time auto mechanic trying to get by daily. Steven deserves to be thanked for everything he has done. Without him and many others, we would not still be the land of the free. Today, he is driving a beat-up car that was in an accident and was hit by an uninsured driver.

Antonio Shine

Military: Veteran

He is a combat veteran serving in Iraq. Also is a mentor and physical trainer to youth in the community. Is a struggling small business owner who needs a dependable vehicle. He is a 100% disabled veteran.

Alan Ortiz

First Responder: Buffalo Police Detective

While driving in the area where Alan (AJ) lives, while off duty, AJ noticed taillights of a vehicle in a pond, without hesitation he jumped into action. Using his extensive training he evaluated the situation and secured the sinking vehicle to his vehicle to prevent the vehicle from sinking further, he then calmed the older occupants of the vehicle. The driver and 2 other passengers were removed from the vehicle by AJ one at a time and taken to safety. AJ went above and beyond his duty even while off duty. AJ should be commended on his actions that evening, he most surely prevented a tragic outcome, A job well done.

Alan Ortiz

First Responder: Police

AJ is not only a great cop, but a great person. His commitment to excellence and service can be summed up by his selfless act of saving 3 people while off-duty, utilizing his training and experience as the Underwater Recovery Teams second in command to save the lives of several people who had accidentally driven into a pond. AJ put his own life at risk and saved these people without thought of his own. Beyond this, AJ is a dedicated father and an amazing friend.

Brandon Kozlowski-Eleczko

First Responder: Assistant fire chief

I am nominating Brandon Kozlowski-Eleczko because he is an exceptional assistant fire chief for Millgrove Volunteer Fire Department. At only 28 years old, he has been with the fire department for over 14 years. He has won awards such as the Hometown Hero Award for responding to calls during the blizzard of 2022. He has also been awarded with the Firefighter of the Year award for his service and duty to the Fire Hall. He displays leadership qualities, bravery, courage, and commitment. He helps to train the younger firefighters in the Explorer Program who are enrolled at his fire hall.

Michael Rafferty

Military: Army

Mike is a great guy! He will help anyone in need of help and not want anything thing in return. He works very hard often doing many hours of overtime just to make sure the company he works for meet their goals. Sometimes he is so tired, yet all he will say is they need my help. Mike is a great friend too! The person with the big smile and hello!!! He is very happy to have been in the Army!!!! He loves The USA. With all his heart!

Frank Hinkley

Military: Army

Hello! I am nominating my husband who has served in the Army, Desert Storm. In addition, served over 20 years in Corrections, retiring as a lieutenant in 2020. This man has never asked for anything. Yet is there for everyone else. He is a disabled Veteran with PTSD that went undiagnosed for many years, putting his needs last to be a leader, provider and safe place for everyone else. It would be amazing to honor his character and service not to mention completely unexpected! God Bless and best wishes to all of whom are nominated 🇺🇸

Michael Hart

Military: Army

My father Michael Hart Sr. is one of the kindest, giving people I've ever met in my life. He has spent his entire life serving others. Mike was wounded during the Vietnam War & is a Purple Heart Recipient. His injury did not stop him from becoming an amazing Husband, father & grandfather though. Mike is currently involved in the West Seneca Lions Club & has been for the past 25yrs. He is in charge of the Lions Club loan closet, making sure that those with medical needs get what they are looking for. He is always going above and beyond for others that are less fortunate to make sure they have what they need.

Mohanad Darfor

Military: Army

I am nominating my older brother Mohanad who served overseas for 4 years in the US Army.He is kind and always putting others first.He enlisted in the army straight after high school which I really admire and respect for making such a big commitment being so young.He lost his car due to an accident after he got out and I would be really happy if I can help him win a car which will make his life a little easier which I think he deserves.

Roger snyder

Military: Army

My dad fought in Vietnam and has a bullet stuck in his back to this day!

Richard Klaffka

Military: United States Marine Corps

Richard is a disabled veteran and deserves to be nominated. He is a kind and giving person, always thinking of others. He was his loving wife's caretaker for many years. Unfortunate his wife passed away in 2021. Last year Richard had a devastating automobile accident which has dramatically changed his health and life. His car was also totalled in the accident that was caused by the other driver running a stop sign. With the numerous weekly medical appointments a reliable vehicle would be a blessing and make his life easier.

Scott Dunn

Military: Navy

Served onboard submarines for 10 years one that is in the Buffalo Naval park the USS Boston. He also was a Niagara Falls Firefighter for 27 years.

Michael Omilian

Military: USMC

Not only is my husband a Marine Corps veteran, he also served the community as a NYS Trooper for 24+ years. Has has always felt a duty to serve and I am very proud to be his wife and soulmate. He retired in 2018 but went back to work in 2023, when I could no longer work. He bought a Ford Expedition when he retired but I commandeered it, so he tools around in a 2000 something Saab 97 X with no A/C and electrical problems.

Roger Snyder

Military: Army

Vietnam vet, has bad memories about war. Does not ever talk about what happened.

Dwayne Gaczewski

First Responder: Professional firefighter

Dwayne has been with the Niagara Falls Fire Department for almost 3 years. He works out of Engine 3. He is a devoted husband and father of 2 kids Harper and Alexander. He loves his job and serving his community. Within his first month on the job he responded to a fully engulfed structure fire with reports of a person inside. Dwayne and his crew knocked out the fire to the front door and located the unconscious woman pulled her out, saving her. Since then he has grown tremendously as a firefighter and EMT and has helped countless others in this career.

Peter Corona

Military: Army

I am honored to nominate Peter for recognition as a great veteran. His unwavering dedication and service to our country have been truly inspiring. Peter's commitment to protecting our freedoms and ensuring our safety is a testament to his bravery and selflessness. Beyond his military service, he continues to embody the values of integrity, leadership, and community spirit, making a positive impact on everyone around him. Peter's contributions both in and out of uniform make him an exemplary veteran deserving of this commendation.

Katherine Clayton

Military: Army

Kathy served in the US Army when they were throwing out people with a dishonourable discharge for being gay. Kathy is a very dedicated and humble person who would have made the Army her career if given the chance. She served for 4 short years but made Sargent very quickly because of her skill, leadership, and dedication. I believe she deserves this honour because she would have given her life for us given the chance.

James Messecar Jr

Military: Navy

My son gained valuable knowledge while serving in the military and defending our country. He has put those skills to use now that he is a single dad. He is very hard working and a dedicated father.

Roger Snyder

Military: Army

Roger had been in army for many years. Having flashbacks and nightmares afterwards. He has shown to be a great husband, father and supporter of his whole family. You can always count on him when in need.

Roger Snyder

Military: Army

Because he has a bullet stuck in his back from warfare. He is the most generous person I know. He will do whatever it takes to help you out.

James Messecar

Military: Navy veteran

A responsible young man, went into the navy 2 weeks after high school. Spent 5 years in the navy and struggled to establish himself when home and became a single father. Works his way up the ladder to again to struggle during Covid outbreak to raise his son during pandemic and homeschool him. He works hard to provide for his son and most recently hit a deer with his truck which was total loss and needs a work vehicle. He works hard and could use a break. He also helps with what I need at home ,being his mother who helps with babysitting ,since my early retirement due to breast cancer. He gives his all in all he does.

Jayden Eck

First Responder: Fire

Jayden has dedicated much of his life to being a first responder. He was the youngest person to become an EMT at the age of 17. He became a fire fighter in 2018, and is now furthering his career, training to become a police officer. He is a model citizen and loves helping people and his community in any way he can.

Stephen Konieczny

Military: Marine Corp

Stephen is a proud Marine Corp veteran. He’s a fantastic husband and father to our 4 kids. He’s hard working, adventurous and an avid runner, recently finishing the Leadville Marathon in Colorado. I’m so very proud of him and all he’s accomplished.

Christine Bangel

Military: Marine

I would like to nominate my sister Christine Bangel who served our country as a Marine. She is a retired vet who can no longer work due to years of issues from degenerative joint disease she has always helped everyone that I can think of in need she looks out for everyone but herself she lost her partner four years ago to lung cancer so it is hard for her to upkeep a household on her own with two dogs she was also recently in a car accident where she lost her vehicle and no longer has transportation. This would be a well-deserved and wonderful surprise for someone so deserving I could tell you so much more about her story but there's just not enough room for me to explain please consider her she would be forever grateful to win a vehicle.

Aaron Parlier

Military: U.S. Navy - disabled veteran

Aaron has a family of 4 and is constantly trying to better his family while working a full time job and going to college full time, Aaron has a older Malibu that needs a ton of work and would really benefit from a new car to make it to college every day.

Jessica Willis

First Responder: Nurse

Jess is the kindest most wonderful person. She's a nurse who worked through COVID. She now has P.O.T.S and three discs in her neck which are stopping her from working. She has three daughters that live at home with no support from anyone. Two beautiful pups. she's struggling on disability from work which is about to run out. Her vehicle is duct taped and falling apart. Her two older daughters need rides to work almost every day. Also occasionally she helps me with rides when I need them. She is absolutely the best person to get this. She deserves it more than anyone else I know.

Peter Corona

Military: Army

He is a great man and would do anything for anyone. He is a great father and a awesome brother, uncle. He is a great person who has fought for our country for many years.

Charlie Durilla

Military: Army

My husband served in Vietnam, he was one of the fortunate ones who made it home. He is 79 years old and his experience in the Army taught him hard work, respect for others and the importance of helping people. He helps out our neighbors even those much younger than him. He takes such pride in being a veteran, you will never see him without a military cap on.

Xavier Williams

First Responder: Deputy Sheriff Erie County

I’m nominating Xavier Williams because I’m so proud of him. Since we graduated high school going into college he always was committed to becoming a first responder. I have watched him work very hard to keep achieving his dreams even after losing his mother before she could see him become a Deputy Sheriff. He wants to keep climbing the ladder when it comes to being a first responder and I’m going to keep rooting him on.

Marc Lussier

Military: Marines

Marc is a hero. He served in desert storm and Iraqi freedom. He was also first responder for 911. He is a combat medic and fire fighter. He is genuinely kind and giving. Marc has had a few set backs but continues to help others as much as possible. Marc sold his truck two years ago after brain surgery. We'll, he is bouncing back and needs a new truck.

Michael Scanzuso

Military: ARMY

The northeast building collapsed in a cloud of dust and scattered debris, burying several soldiers. Spec. Michael Scanzuso, who staggered through the swirling smoke bleeding from his face and neck and ran toward a nearby Humvee. He jumped into the turret and turned the machine gun to the west, where more small-arms fire erupted in the aftermath of the explosion. For almost an hour, Scanzuso kept the enemy at bay; then he joined the rescue team digging through the rubble to help the wounded, despite having broken several ribs in the blast. He was issued a Bronze Star for his heroics. He now works for the Erie County Sheriff Department as a Corrections Officer.

Andrew Lennox

Military: Army sergeant major

I’m nominating my father cause he gave his whole life close to 40 years of service to protecting this country and providing for my family. The long tours in Iraq, ice storms to hurricane add going to Germany also during this countries towers being taken down and many more countless active duty missions he was involved in he loves this country with all he has. He started right from high school and only had one job achieving many things through his career all the way to sergeant major working from masten armor downtown Buffalo. Also running the maintenance shop for the army working and eventually running the masten armor shop on best street there’s so much he’s done I don’t have enough space to list

Daniel Brautlacht

Military: Marine corps

Daniel has struggled with PTSD and a rotator cuff injury where he needed surgery after his 6 yrs of reserve service was completed.He recently has had to take a leave of absence from his full time job. He has been working to better himself using the VA benefits offered to him.

Sherard Pooler

Military: USMC Snipers

Sherard is more than just due for a new car; they're a prime candidate for a nomination that could significantly improve their life. His current vehicle is no longer reliable. The current car has - safety concerns, constant breakdowns, excessive mileage impacting reliability, etc. This lack of dependable transportation creates a hardship for Sherard in several ways: Impact on Work: The car troubles affect his work - missed shifts, unreliable commute, limitations on job opportunities due to distance, etc. Family Life: His family life - difficulty getting kids to activities, limitations on errands and appointments, etc. Financial Burden: The financial strain caused by the car - constant repairs, poor fuel efficiency, etc. Despite these challenges, Sherard perseveres. He is a positive quality - hardworking, dedicated, selfless, individual who continues to work through these challenges daily.

Nolan Clinkhammer

Military: Marine corps

Nolan it’s been in the marine course since he graduated high school. He has been my boyfriend since high school Nolan has decided to be a lifelong marine and has dedicated his life to the Marine Corps and the United States of America. He has been across America at different bases and across the country, he is currently a recruiter in Jamestown, New York and is resigned for another four years and will be leaving when this job is complete to go to camp Lejeune in North Carolina. I am very proud of his service and dedication to the Marine Corps and to our country.

Jacob Wentland

First Responder: State Police

My son Jacob has recently graduated from the 214 NY STATE POLICE ACADEMY and is now pursuing the job of his dream, to serve and protect those less fortunate than himself. Jacob has always set his goals high and has followed in the footsteps of his father and his grandfather who both set amazing examples for Jacob as police officers. He wanted nothing but to make them proud even though that involves risking his own safety every day. I believe anyone who pursues a career in law enforcement or to serve and protect others above themselves deserves the chance to have something like this giveaway Basil is offering. I appreciate you considering my son for this amazing opportunity. Thank you and God Bless.

Andrew Swannie

First Responder: Air Force AND Firefighter

AJ served our country with two tours in the Persian Gulf and was a combat medic. Afterwards he obtained his Registered Nurse license and has been practicing for almost 30 years. He joined Main Transit Fire Dept where he has served as a volunteer firefighter for 21 years! AJ’s commitment to our country, community, and family makes him an amazing person! Please consider his nomination.

Joshua Donovan

First Responder: Police - Sergeant (CPD)

I am nominating Josh because not only is he a police officer, he is also an Army Veteran. He was part of the 1982nd forward surgical team. They deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 for a year tour. Their job was to save critically injured people before they transferred to a hospital which included kids & civilians of the area. They ran on little sleep, adrenalin, fear & bravery. They saved many lives but had to witness a lot of lives lost. They cared for childen who were innocently playing and blown up by a bomb or in the crossfire of terrorists. He became an RN serving other vets at the VA Hospital in Buffalo. He decided to go even further by helping his community by becoming a Police Office in the town we reside in, Cheektowaga. He has been a police officer for approximately 8 years. He is part of the SWAT team, a sergeant of CPD & part of the memorial team for fallen vets. He's currently driving a very old kia forte so this would be a blessing to him & his family. We love him!

Danniel Cleveland

First Responder: Firefighter

I have been a first responder for 7 years! I have been in the fire service and ambulance service. I’ve made a huge difference in serving the community! The most interesting part is I joined emergency services at age 14

Samuel Frank

First Responder: Evs (disease control)

Was on the front lines through all of covid. Has a wife and child of his own but still worked up to 20 hrs a day to try and assist in containing the virus that took millions of lives. When his wife had spinal surgery he was called in and went.

Jeff Strahlendorf

Military: U.S Coast Guard

Hello! I am nominating my husband who has been in the U.S Coast Guard for almost 24 years. He will be retiring (I'm still in denial lol) July 19th 202, so next week! We have been together the entire time and have two little boys. I am nominating him because he is so deserving of a newer vehicle. He has issues with everything from head to toe because of his career. So much so that he will be on disability and a list of surgery's needed. Everything from headaches to foot issues from his uniform and the conditions he's been in throughout the years. We moved here 4 years ago during COVID from Tennessee (last base in Memphis) and our family is all in Michigan and Indiana. He has missed a lot of moments with our boys and our family extended family because of his schedule and was gone out at sea to Mexico several times for several months. I hope that you will consider Jeff and thank you for your support! We greatly appreciate the support as it makes it so much easier in this adventure❤️LeeAnn

Anthony Hairston

Military: Army

Anthony proudly served in the Army. The friendships that he forged in-service continue to this day. What an inspiration his belief, that it’s not what we have in life, but who we have in life is what matters. He has shown me that there are friends, there is family, and there are friends that become family. Anthony is so deserving of a vehicle because he always has your back like a true friend and my friend is truly in need of a new vehicle.

steve kruzicke

Military: NAVY

Steven, served during Desert Storm but his war has been recently been fought at home in the last 18 years. Well hopefully it will be a better for us I had radiation therapy for a brain tumor for 3 months 1/15-3/2015, I went through surgery the day before thanksgiving of 2014 to remove most of the tumor. Recently my tumor has come back and now another round of radiation also our son has battled cancer. His truck has a lot of miles on it and he needs a new vehicle running me to doctor’s appointments and treatment. Thank You for letting me share our story of my wonderful husband. Please Pick Him Thank You and God Bless all of you My husband has not only been a hero for our country but is also a hero for our Family.

David Earsing

Military: Navy

My brother served in the Navy for 23 yrs, then worked for them as a civilian in the Fleet and Family Support Division of the Navy and he still continues to work for the government as a Transition Assistant Advisor helping the veterans securing all the benefits they are entitled to! I couldn’t be more proud of my brother and would certainly like to surprise him with a new truck! Thank you so much for this opportunity to nominate him!

Nolan Clinkhammer

Military: Sgt marine corps

Nolan has been dedicated to the marine Corps and his country since he was 16 years old. He started working out and getting ready for when he graduated to go right in. He plans on making a lifetime career out of it and has already relisted twice. He has been in and out of the country. Nolan is currently working as a recruiter in Jamestown and works well with boys and girls that are interested in joining the military. As a young kid, I find him completely motivated and dedicated to the United States of America

Joseph Marshall

First Responder: Assistant Chief Firefighter and EMT

I’m nominating Joe because he is such a dedicated emt and firefighter. Being a volunteer in Pekin isn’t easy. It may be a small town but not many people volunteer. Joe makes almost all of the calls every year. Even winning awards every year for being one of the top responder and for going above and beyond on his ems calls. Joe works so hard in his everyday life working full time, being a father, and still finding time to take care of his community which he loves very much.

Alfredo Candelaria

Military: Army

My Husband is a decorated disabled Combat veteran who has served his country during 2 deployments to Iraq. After returning home he found it difficult to adjust back to normal life but has been doing his best with the help of his family and friends. He hasnt had alot to smile about and I just wanted to get a chance to surprise him with a gift. His birthday just past and I attached a photo of him. I am happy that a veteran will get a gift of a new car regardless. Thank you your consideration and for caring for our veterans.

Raymond Fisher

Military: Army

He is a 37 year old 100% disabled combat veteran who is also a federal police officer. He is a father of two small children. He bought is first new vehicle in 2015. He owns a 2015 Ford F150 super crew cab. He works long hours and has worked so hard his whole life and it would be an extreme boost to his mental health to get a new truck.

Keith Bradley

Military: Army

My husband is the most amazing man who has gone out of his way to help and serve his country as well as help everyone that he crosses paths with. In trouble or not in need or not he is there and has changed the lives of so many. He donates and helps families in WNY with goods and services that he is blessed to receive. Life isn't easy especially when the loss of a vehicle due to an unfortunate accident that took the vehicle that was needed for his family. Please consider Keith. He is a true hero and loved.

austin Cressley

Military: Marine Corps

Austin should be nominated for this as he has struggled a lot in his life. He was medically discharged from the military in 2020. He has given his whole world and more to our family so i’d like to do the same.

Edward Hastings

Military: Navy

Ed not only served our country, but his life as a mason, contractor and farmer, he continues to serve his family, friends and community. Ed lives his life being kind and giving. His love of the outdoors, animals & helping others is amazing & requires no thought. He's a natural. For this reason, I think Ed is worthy of winning a new vehicle.

Christopher Roberts

Military: Army & New York Army National Guard

Chris is a diabled veteran. He is a family man who has been able to be at every one of our daughter's games and school events. Chris is a wonderful husband and has been by my side for all my health issues, including breast cancer. When he went to Iraq, he found himself being 6 months of marriage but we agreed to get through it. He volunteered to be embedded in the Iraq military to help train them. His daughter and I love him very much and agree he is in need of a new vehicle. He's driving a junky car. Thank you for your time.

Peter Corona

Military: Army

Pete was re-enlisted into the Army approximately 12 years ago. Since his re-enlistment he has been deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq and is currently employed as a mechanic by the Army. He is completely devoted to his military career and to his family. His wife works at night and he is very much a "hands on" dad with the boys, house, pets, sports practices etc. He is also willing to help people whenever he can. I will add that he is my son-in-law and my 'handyman" . He's a good man, husband & father and (as far as I know) a good soldier who deserves to be nominated.

Justin King

Military: Coast Guard

My husband, Justin, is absolutely amazing and truly lives the core values of the United States Coast Guard. Honor, respect and devotion to duty. He has been an inspirational stepfather to my daughter, a kind neighbor and loyal friend. He just celebrated his 15 year mark being active duty and has full plans to retire from the service. I do so believe he should be recognized for his selfless dedication.

Randall Beach

Military: US Coast Guard

Machinery Technician 3rd class Petty officer Beach is a dedicated member of the US Coast Guard currently serving at Search and rescue Station Buffalo NY. Beach has shown selflessness around the community with multiple outreaches, and while on duty he ensures the safety of the boating public in the Buffalo area on Lake Erie and the unforgiving waters of the Niagara river. He is a hard worker and also a new parent alongside his wife Lindsay as of December 31st to their first born daughter. I’m nominating Beach because I know that him and his wife share a car that has given them multiple issues. Beach is deserving of a reliable vehicle not only so he can continue to make it to work and serve his country but for the overall safety of his family.

Nolan Clinkhammer

Military: Marine Corps

You don’t these days find many young kids that know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. They may start college, or take a year off, change majors or go into a tech field. Nolan knew from the time he was 16 that he wanted to serve his country and make it a life long career. Some people enter the service and either leave early or right after they completed their first 4 years that they signed up for. Nolan has spent 9 years so far in the marine corps. He has re-enlisted for another 4 and still wants to serve our country as his life long career. He is currently in Jamestown New York doing recruiting. When this is completed he will go to camp Lejune in North Carolina. Sgt Clinkhammer is one of a kind, and has grown into a man with a mission to serve.

Michael Lichtenthal

Military: Marines, Corporal

I am so very proud of my son. While Michael was in a sophomore high school, a magnet appeared on my fridge: “Proud Parent of a Marine”! Next, he was a walking billboard sporting a “USMC” t-shirt & sweatshirt ! At 16, he started sneaking rides to Batavia to go workout with USMC. He began running on summer nights with a weighted vest. Senior year he was enrolled in Harkness, autobody shop. What was once a baby blue hand-me-down pickup truck of his father’s was rejuvenated as “The Green Machine”, flying 2 very large flags: USA & USMC, upright. It was complete with a “fog horn” anchored on the front, with money his high school friends chipped in to buy him. You couldn’t miss him! He loved that truck! We signed for Michael at age 17 to follow his passion! He attended Boot Camp from 09/12/22-12/09/22. He has been in Okinawa, Japan. He hopes to be back on US soil for his 21st BDay next July 24th. He was just promoted to Corporal on 7/1! However, his truck caught on fire this past winter! 😭

Dillon LaFleur

Military: Army

Dillon was originally a reservist in the marine. He enlisted when he was 17. In 2022, he transitioned into the army where he currently serves within Ranger Regiment. Since reenlisting as an active duty member of the US army, he has not been receiving the proper pay. Nearly, two years later he has been receiving incorrect pay without resolution leaving him to struggle financially and make ends meet all while having no vehicle. A vehicle would be a huge financial relief.

George Slack

Military: Army

I'm am nominated him cause he is my father and he will do anything for anyone at any time. And his wife's car is falling apart and ever since he got in a accident he has not been able to do anything for himself. So please helpy father get the help he needs

Kezrah Tatar

First Responder: EMT

Kezrah is only 20 years old but has been an EMT for two years. She was an.EMS lieutenant for the Yorkshire fire department last year. She has also taken both the interior and exterior fire fighter courses and passed both. She is now a full fledged firefighter, as well. She just finished her sophomore year at RIT where she is pursuing a degree in the biomedical field. Kezrah was recently hired as a full time EMT at Mercy Flight and will be working at any of their four bases. Two years ago, Kezrah responded to a horrific car accident which, unfortunately, involved some family members. Kezrah was pulled from the scene, but not before she witnessed her 6 year old niece, who had died instantly and her 4 year old niece who was badly injured. The last year has been tough for her but she remains strong and determined to help her surviving niece heal both physically and emotionally. Kezrah is an amazing young woman with a strong work ethic, and is passionate about helping others.

Katrina Bourke

First Responder: EMT

Katie has been a hard dedicated worker and mother as long as I’ve known her. She is also a volunteer firefighter. Has the biggest, kindest, and genuine heart and soul. Of course I want nothing but the best for her and her kids.

Bradley Bailey

Military: Army

My father always work is butt off taking care of this family. He would give the shirt off his back for whoever is in need. He makes sure his family is not in need. He has Severe ptsd, and I would think this car would help With more of the needs we have, And he has.

Gary Hurd

Military: U S. army corp

My father was Drafted to fight in the Vietnam war. He came back physically, but lost a piece of his soul along with friends. He didn't fully come back and the way the government treated them was disgusting! Our U S. Government didn't even offer him therapy until he was in his 60's!

Kristiana Winder

Military: Navy

I would like to nominate Kristiana for her extraordinary commitment and selflessness in balancing her roles as a veteran, a single mother of two, and a dedicated prison worker. Her journey is a testament to strength, courage, and unwavering dedication to both her family and her community. As a veteran, Kristiana has served our country with honor and bravery, embodying the values of sacrifice and service. Transitioning from military life to civilian life, she has not only continued to uphold these values but has also embraced the challenge of raising two children as a single mother. In her role at SCI Benner, Kristiana exemplifies compassion and professionalism every day. Working in a challenging environment requires resilience and a deep sense of empathy, qualities she possesses in abundance. Her dedication to the well-being and rehabilitation of inmates reflects her belief in second chances and the power of human redemption.

Robert Stutz

Military: Navy

When I married my wife.He was just married into the Family.So we were both kind of outliers.And with us both being prior service ,we just hit it off. He served Honorably in the US Navy for many years.But his service didn't stop there.Now he Works with the VA office to aid other Veterans looking for help in all aspects of their life.He helps with getting them VA benefits,housing opportunities, programs that help with lowering your taxes and saving money.He even cordinates helping Veterans with PTSD get a service dog.That is life changing for some many Veterans.During his own journey of life. He has been a single father for most of his sons life.(Mitchell Stutz)Our whole family couldn't be happier.Mitchell is an exceptional young man who turned out to be one of the best vocalist in Lockport in my opinion!Bob has been there the whole way.He is also a father to his service dog Cody.A 3 yr old Pitbull that will put a smile on your face the moment you see him!Bob is a great man and father!

Daniel Lopez

First Responder: Fire Fighter

I meet Daniel 5 years ago. He has been a Fire Fighter for 9 years with the city of Buffalo. He loves his job. Always talking about it, I can see it in his eyes how passionate his is about his service. But one thing that makes me so proud of him, is when I see on social media or the news something tragic that happen while he’s working, he keeps it to himself. He has told me that there are some things the public shouldn’t know or sees because he doesn’t want that burden of pain or sadness effecting anymore people than it already has. In this day and age where everything is posted and documented I believe what he believes. Hes fire fighter for reason he knows what he signed himself up for. Not only is it physically taxing on the body but also the mind. He works 24hr shift so if something terrible happen right away he has to just bury that down because he still has a full day ahead of him and many more people to help.I know he would hate that I’m sending this in, doesn’t want any notoriety

Dallas Nickerson

Military: US Air Force

Dallas honorably served seven years in the United States Air Force, with three overseas tours including Afghanistan, Southern Turkey and Africa during the height of the campaign against ISIS. He joined to follow in his dad's footsteps and to fight in the Global War on Terror. After he left the service, he wanted to continue his service to the veteran community by becoming a Police Officer for the Department of Veteran's Affairs hospital in Buffalo which is a position he held for two years. He now works for the City of Salamanca Police Department as a Police Officer. He enjoys helping others and making a lasting positive impact on members of the community, all while being a family man and an amazing dad to our son.

Edward Kane

First Responder: Fire chief Boston ny

He has been a member of Boston fire company for 40 years. Has had many positions in the company. Also a scout master and just devotes all his time to helping others.

Pajl McGoldrick

First Responder: Army

Paul has been a volunteer firefighter and first responder since 1978. He currently volunteers in two departments, Varysburg and Darien. He previously was a volunteer in Alden, where he started his volunteer career. Paul was in the Army and once he returned to civilian life, he returned to Alden Fire. He also worked as an EMT in the city of Buffalo for Rural Metro. Paul also serves on the Wyoming County Emergency Services Recruitment Team and is a top responder at both Varysburg and Darien. Paul has dedicated his life to volunteering, serving the community and helping others.

Katrina Bourke

First Responder: EMT

Katrina is an extremely hard working compationate caring person. She works full time along with any extra hours that are needed to be filled. She also manages to run her household while taking care of her 4 young children (getting them to all their sporting events) (2 of which are autistic), 3 rescue dogs, 2 cats and a dragon! She Is the glue that holds her entire family together, also taking care of her elderly grandmother and dying grandfather along with her disabled parents and sister! She deserves some help after working through COVID and taking care of the sick and dying. She has saved people from over dosing and held the hands of those dying from old age. Now she needs a vehicle desperately.

Brian Beers

First Responder: Emt firefighter

Brian met my daughter Desiree as volunteer firefighters in East Aurora out of high school. Both of them became EMT and have served their communities proudly. After marriage they purchased their first home in Orchard Park. Brian started school for paramedic as he continued to work as an EMT. Desiree completed her collage degree while continuing her service as a volunteer firefighter in OP. Brian suffered 2 strokes while off duty due to an unknown genetic disorder.Desiree found herself rendering first aide to her own husband. Brian was off work for an extended time and their medical bills mounted. Thankfully both have recovered to return to work now 2 years later.the financial struggle has not detered either one of them from serving their community. A reliable vehicle would be a true blessing, one less fight for them to bare.

Jackson Brown

First Responder: Buffalo Fire Department

Jackson is a Buffalo fire fighter who served just over five years he has been involved in several off duty life saving situations and going in with no equipment not worried off his own life but of other’s he’s always been a selfless person the first situation was a woman just collapsed and had a heart attack Jackson and a fellow police officer did CPR and Chest Compression onto help arrived which later were told they saved her life she was a Nurse for the State for over thirty years the next situation was Jackson was at a establishment called Potters Field’s then the house right next store started on fire in the kitchen Jackson and a other off duty fire man ran right in made sure everyone got out and started putting the fire out until help arrived Recently on our street my neighbor house started on fire which Jackson ran down there barefoot and no shirt on to help them get out and their six week old puppy and then got the neighbor next door out his house also started on fire .

Tyrone Wallace

Military: Army

Hard working, self employed, serving the community and he needs a reliable vehicle.

Kezrah Tater

First Responder: EMT

She is my younger sister and has worked extremely hard to make it as an EMT especially being a smaller female. She also recently had a car accident herself which cause her to lose her dream vehicle (Ford Bronco) and she was not a fault for it.

Ross Zastrow

First Responder: Paramedic

My husband has been a paramedic for 34 years. Worked professionally at Twin City Ambulance for 13 years and as a volunteer for Adams Fire Company for 40 years and 14 years at Tri Community Ambulance consecutively. For 20 years he worked for NYS Bureau of EMS inspecting and regulating ambulance services throughout WNY. Not only was he one of the original people who set up the command center in Albany during 9/11 but he also was at Ground Zero helping with rescue/recovery efforts two weeks later. My husband truly loves to help others in a time of need. He has been an inspiration to many family members (our nephew is now an EMT) as much as friends.

Joseph Dingeldey

First Responder: Sheriff Deputy

I’m nominating my husband who I see work so hard! Being a Sheriff Deputy, he works long hours and deals with things we can never imagine. He comes home and try's his best to be in the best mood for his family! This would be a true blessing!

Joe Dingeldey

First Responder: Erie County sheriff

Joe and my daughter started out their lives as teenagers in high school and have worked hard to get where they are today they have 2 children 1 is autistic and has been a lot of challenges but they have overcome them all with him he's a hard worker a good Father and a good husband and he's a great son-in-law

Norman McCarter

Military: Army

This young man signed up for the Army very young. After serving during the Desert Storm he was discharged in 1990’. After working in Buffalo General Hospital for a number of years, he had to retire due to injuries to his knees and back. Receiving treatment for his injuries at the V.A. hospital, after a few years of trying to verify his injuries now Norman is officially retired from the Army.

Josh Carey

First Responder: Niagara Falls Fire Fighter

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. — Niagara Falls Firefighter Josh Carey and his girlfriend were wrapping up a visit to a Florida beach a week ago Friday when people suddenly began to scream and the gulf waters lapping up to the sand turned red. “It was our first day at the beach, we’d been there about two or three hours,” Carey said. “There were hundreds of people there, on the beach and in the water. And as we were packing up our stuff, I heard these screams and saw people running away from the shoreline.” Carey said there was also “massive amounts of blood in the water.” About 20 to 30 feet from the edge of the water, Carey began running toward the shore, convinced that something horrible had happened. The only thing I could think of, with all that blood, was maybe it was a shark attack,” he said. Carey was right. Please read article FireRescue1 , Vacationing N.Y. FF-EMT helps rescue teen from Fla. shark attack

David Eick

Military: Marines

David is the most generous and kind hearted person I know. He puts himself before others , always. He cares for and protects our family with everything he has. He became a father in 2022, and will be welcoming a second child in 2025. He has blossomed as a father, giving the most time and energy into being a positive role model for his son.

David Grant jr

First Responder: Lieutenant in a volunteer fire company-Cleveland Hill

I am nominating my son, David Grant jr. He became a volunteer firefighter as soon as he was able to, right out of high school. In that amount of time he has helped so many people. The things he has had to see in his years in the fire department, are things no one should have to ever see. From children in cardiac arrest, close family friend in cardiac arrest, to rescuing victims from a house fire, to suicides, car accidents, he has seen it all. He has received the valor of honor from his fire department for his amazing work in rescuing a man from a house fire. He does this all as a volunteer, on top of working a full time job. Receiving a new vehicle would take such a weight off his shoulders and I don’t know many people more deserving of something like this, other than him. A man who would drop everything and risk it all for anyone, anytime, day or night, including complete strangers.

Daniel Erker

Military: Army

My husband served 20 years active duty deployed to Bosnia, South Korea, Iraq x2, Afghanistan. Sacrificed a tremendous amount of time from watching his boys grow up however built wonderful memories with all three sons when he was home. Raised them as man with dignity honor respect for others selfless attitudes and societal contributors. They are all independent and building their own life’s Today he becomes a grandpa to a little girl. Super excited. When his boys were little guys he used to take them for ice cream in his 1986 Monte Carlo SS. The boys knew the car as the ice cream car. A newer Monte Ss fir the new combat vet Grandpa would be super cool

William Moesch

Military: Army

First of all William (bill) is my brother and a great person. Hard working went to the army for roughly 4 years then went to ECC then UB ! He currently is a Buffalo police officer for the past 2 years and is helping keep our community safe !

Jason McDaniel

First Responder: Firefighter

Firefighter McDaniel displays great professionalism and reassurance while helping distressed family members, property owners and more during what may seem like the worst time of their lives. He also is a family man and balances his family life well while upholding all his responsibilities and being accountable. He should win and he should be proud of his everyday efforts in life and for what’s also to come. We can depend on him to not let anyone down.

Ralph Itzo

Military: Air Force

Ralph is one of the kindest, sweetest, smartest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. He served his country with honor in Vietnam and continued to work for the people of New York while he was employed by New York State, in his capacity as an environmental and chemical engineer. Ralph is always one to put others ahead of himself, and has never had a single selfish thought in his mind. He deserves to win this vehicle because of the selfless life of service he has chosen to lead, and I hope you’ll agree with me

Tim Mckibbin

Military: Navy

Because he's awesome sauce

Matt Daniels

Military: Infantry

He could use a new vehicle that’s handicapped accessible for him and his kids. He’s a good guy and deserves a new vehicle. He dedicated his time and life in the army and was injured during the process!

Matt Daniels

Military: Army Infantry

He's a good guy that deserves a handicapped accessible vehicle for him and his kids to get around.

Shawn Love

First Responder: Certified Medical assistant

Hello My name is Ms. Shawn Love and I want to nominate myself for a chance of a lifetime. This would very much help me and my family considering I had a car a few months ago but the engine went on it. I lost my children’s father two years ago and my car was how I made my money for my family. I don’t like asking anyone for anything but I could sure use some help. This opportunity would help me get to and from work along with taking my family with ease and safely to their destinations. Thank you for you time.

Glenn Patterson

Military: Army

He has been through so much since he served and it's been hard getting him the assistance he deserves and after the long hard fight and trials and tribulations we finally got him approved for full vet disability in 2023

Alissa Gatti

Military: Air Force

Alissa always thinks of others before herself. She helps people in need . A few years ago she held a fundraiser on her birthday to raise money for a local food bank. She is the type of person who will make meals for people who have lost a loved one or who is going through hard times.She will help in anyway she can when a situation arises.She is at the present time caring for a little boy whose family members are not able to care for him. In the 7 months she has had him. The teachers have stated that they have seen a remarkable turnaround in his education and his confidence, happiness. She has enrolled him in sports and therapy. At this time her vehicle is not functioning properly due to age and needed repairs. She is more concerned in getting from point A to B for the child than her own daily routine. Alissa deserves a gift back like she constantly gives herself in helping others . When I saw this advertisement, she came to my mind instantly.Thank you for this opportunity.

George Swanson

Military: Navy

I am nominating my husband, George because he is hardworking. He is caring and has worked hard his entire life. He has 3 kids of his own and 2 grandchildren when we met and he took on my 2 kids from a previous relationship. He provided for them without a second thought. He has covered them under his health insurance and has been an amazing role model for them. He makes life easy. He is fun, caring, and loving. He also went to his employer and wanted to do something for the Tops shooting in Buffalo and took my daughter for volunteer work and handed out food, water, and dog food for the community. They partnered up with Feed More WNY and he organized T-shirt sales to donate the raised funds to the families of the victims. We need more good people like him in the world.

David k Hoffman

First Responder: Firefighter

It is awesome to be a firefighter with Olcott Fire Company in new york

Danielle Stryker

Military: Army

The military took a lot from her so now I feel it’s time she should get some back.

Joshua Pollock

Military: Marine corp

He is genuinely an amazing human. Thoughtful, caring and compassionate. He served his country because of his commitment to protect our citizens and serve our country out of loyalty and with much respect. He is hilarious and witty with his laugh as huge as his lovable personalty. He has helped so many others going through difficult situations while he was dealing with his own struggles. He loves the land and respects the environment. His passion is contagious and love for his family and community is never ending.

Edward Stefik

Military: Army and Airforce

Edward is my proud son who in listed in the Army Reserves as a sin or in High School, Attached to the 98th division Combat Engineers .During his service he was selected as solider of the year. He was promoted to Sgt. soon after was one of two sgt.selected for Sgt of the year and inducted into the Medal of Honor Audie Murphy Club in Fort Stewart ,Georgia. He was placed on active duty during the Iraq war and serviced there as a generals aide .After retuning home to his job as A New York State Trooper he left the Army of 16 years and was recruited by the New York 107th Air Guard in Niagara Falls. NY. He was than a staff Sgt. Assigned to Base security. He was given the firearms team which he help trained and competing at West Point the team won five years in a row . He was promoted to Chief and than to Command Chief which was in charge of over 800 personal from Syracuse West to Niagara .This position was for three years but was extended to six. He instructed at the Pentagon .Has 33 yrs

Courtlandt Volker

Military: Marines

Courtlandt proudly served his country in Afghanistan as a Marine, & returning home, as a police officer & detective. Prior to deployment he married his high school sweetheart, to have a positive outlook on having a wife to return home to. Upon completion of his service, Court moved to Tucson Az. to become a police officer at the University of Az. Within 2 years he was promoted to detective & received the Elks lodge officer of the year, & was one of the youngest homicide leads ever for the dept. He routinely was called for disturbances with the homeless population in his area, many were Vets, but his compassion always won out, by providing them with sneakers, boots, clothing, money for a meal, before he had to relocate them. Court & his wife missed Buffalo, family & friends & returned home 3 years ago in the middle of December. Court is currently employed @ the VA of Buffalo, as an Investigative Benefits specialist, insuring our Vets receive the benefits they deserve.

Philip Koczenasz

Military: Army

He served for 34 years of military service which included nearly 22 years active duty, 7 years National Guard and 5 years Reserves. His military service started in 1982 and it included a break in service and concluded with his retirement in 2020. He has served in a multitude of positions which include signal repair, engineering, artillery, military police and as a paralegal. His has served multiple tours overseas to include combat zones in Iraq.

Kezrah Tatar

First Responder: EMT

She has been dedicating her time to help others through our local fire department for a few years now. She also works for Mercy as an EMT. She makes sure that the people that are receiving help are getting the best care and are treated nicely. She’s been to some tragic scenes and still continues to show up anytime she can to help.

Jayson Rodgers

First Responder: Buffalo Police Officer I

I nominated Jayson Rodgers because he is a hard worker and is extremely compassionate about his job when it comes to serving and protecting the citizens of his community! Even when he is not working his manners and kindness are always expressed! Whether its a simple hello or opening a door for a complete stranger!He is a great human being who takes pride in his job in law enforcement! He is so well deserving of such a great gift from Basil!

Jayson Rodgers

First Responder: Police

Jay is deserving of a new car because he is such a positive light in all of his loved one’s lives and a friend to every person he meets. While he has only been an officer with the Buffalo Police Department for about three years, he put his foot forward every day to police in an effective manner that can overtime create change. He became a police officer because he wanted to be a positive influence in the community he grew up in and serves and wants to be a role model for young black kids. He honestly lives to serve others and I believe that him getting a new car is just him receiving back all the good he puts out into the world every day.

Bridget Skinner

Military: Navy

She's the most amazing woman God has ever gifted to this planet we call earth and nobody deserves more recognition than her, I'm so fortunate to call her my best friend, love, and future wife.

Dennis Behm

Military: Army

My father is a disabled veteran. He was drafted into the army during the Vietnam War (‘67-‘68). He was assigned as door gunner on a medivac helicopter transporting wounded people to medical care. My dad deserves this opportunity because he constantly puts others needs in front of his own! He has suffered both mentally and physically (cancer) due to being exposed to agent orange and ptsd from his experiences however most of my life growing up and even those closest to him never knew! He continues to try to live life to the fullest, treating each day as a gift! This opportunity would be such a blessing to him for his commitment to our great country. It would help him get to his medical appointments and visit his grandkids in North Carolina!

William Isaman

First Responder: Paramedic

I know I'm nominating myself, but my wife just had our 3rd child and I'd love to be able to show her that we have a new safe vehicle for our family.

Bailey Griffith

Military: Navy

She is very deserving. She works hard to provide for her family. She is a disabled veteran now but very much deserves this. I would be so happy to see her get it. We lost both of our parents when we were in high school and it has always been a struggle for her but with this I believe it will help her thrive and give her the power to make it through anything.

Andre Simmons

Military: Army & Air Force Veteran

My husband was a dedicated Soldier and Airmen and currently a dedicated veteran. He has done so much and continues to do so much doing his best to take care of his family and also tries to assist and help others even though we don't have much. My husband's dedication is superfluous he goes above and beyond and truly believes and everything that he does. My husband doesn't think twice about handing over his cash tips to the homeless veterans that we passed by when we during our gig work deliveries. I truly believe that my husband deserves some recognition but he will simply say that's just what he does he loves to help others even though at times we need some help he goes above and beyond.


Military: ARMY

I am honored to nominate my husband, David Gruszka, for the Basil Vehicles for Vets giveaway. David selflessly served our country as an Infantryman in the 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry). During his time in the Army, he was deployed to Afghanistan where he played an integral role in Operation Mountain Resolve. During this deployment he missed the birth of his only child, a daughter, who he would not get to meet until she was 6 months old. Despite the heartbreak of being away from his family during such a significant moment, he remained committed to his duty, exemplifying the true spirit of sacrifice and service. David's unwavering dedication to his county and personal sacrifices he has made deserve to be recognized. Winning this car would serve as a token of gratitude for his service and the sacrifices he has endured. Please consider David for this honor. He is a humble and true hero who has given so much for our freedom. Thank you!

Ralph Skinner

Military: Military Police in US Army and Navy

My husband Ralph has served our country and community over 30 years serving in the US Army Military Police 1982-85, US Army National Guard 88-92 serving in Operations Desert Shield and Storm (90-91) in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Also while serving the City of Buffalo from 1988-2014 with the Buffalo Municipal Housing Police(88-92) Buffalo Fire Dept,(92-93) and Buffalo Police Dept. (93-14) And served in the US Naval Reserves Buffalo/Rochester (2000-2008) called to active duty after 9/11/01 stationed at Naval Personnel HQ in Millington, TN. (9-2001-7-2002) and activated to active duty in 2004-2005 serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom as a Military Policeman stationed in Kuwait and Iraq as Customs security checkpoints in Camp Carolina and Camp Anaconda (Balad,Iraq). His career ended in 2014 due to a MVA while on duty with the BPD and subsequently diagnosed with diseases related to the burn pits in Iraq. He has sacrificed a lot of himself physically and mentally for the service he has given us.

Justin Reese

First Responder: Buffalo police department

Officer Reese goes to work everyday to take care of his wife and two daughters. Officer Reese’s youngest daughter has cerebral palsy and is only 6 years old. He does not let that interfere with his professionalism on the job. He is courteous with his co workers and the citizens he served. Officer Reese constantly helps people in the community even when he is working and a citizen doesn’t have enough to buy there groceries, officer Reese pays for it. Once a year officer Reese will donate 200 dollars to a family he can’t afford Christmas gifts. He is such a caring and humble person and I feel he deserves to be nominated.

jason duffy

Military: Army

Our son Jason was in Afghanistan twice and Iraq once, Jason was a medic and now he is a nurse in the ER at Degraff.